Why do Most Christians Oppose Universal Health Care?

Some good conversations are taking place in various forums on the web. People are asking, with seriousness and honesty, why most Christians oppose universal health care.

Most of the evangelical Christians I know are Republicans. All of them, as far as I know, oppose universal health care (UHC). I’m not talking about opposing Obama’s plan, or the Clinton plan. I mean, they oppose the very idea of universal health care, just as the Republican party has opposed it for as long as I can remember. No matter what form it might take, they’re against it. Even if the economy were in great shape, Republicans would still oppose health care, and so would evangelical Christians.

Why is that?

Put aside your reasons for opposing the Obama plan–the cost, the timing, the details, the flaws, the uncertainties. I’m asking in a more general way: as a Christian, why do you oppose any kind of UHC, whether in the past, present or future? Are you merely embracing the full Republican ideological menu, which doesn’t allow room for UHC? Or do you have biblical reasons?

It seems to me, and to other people asking this question, that UHC sounds like a made-to-order cause for Christians to champion.

  • Much of Jesus’ ministry involved healing. Everywhere he went, he healed people.
  • Jesus emphasized ministering to the poor, to the disadvantaged, to people unable to help themselves.
  • UHC combines both of these emphases, which were so central to the heart of Jesus–healing, and providing for vulnerable or poor people.
  • It is within our power, as the richest nation on earth, to provide UHC to all of our people. Lesser countries are doing it. Does it please God that we don’t?
  • People who lose their jobs also lose healthcare benefits; they are vulnerable people. Shouldn’t a Christian be on their side? Or does the Bible support leaving these people to fend for themselves?
  • When people die because they can’t afford to get tests and procedures done, or go bankrupt because they had the misfortune to get cancer–is that something Christians should be party to?
  • When it is within our power to help, and we don’t–how is that characteristic of a Christian nation?

When you think about it, doesn’t a position in favor of universal health care seem closer to the heart of Jesus than a position against universal healthcare?

If Jesus were here, would he agree that UHC is a bad thing, and that Christians should have nothing to do with it?

I’m just asking.

What is the biblical case against UHC? Why should Christians adamantly oppose it? Why does UHC violate Christian values?

Go ahead–give me a biblical (not a Republican) argument. Why should I, as a Christian, oppose universal health care? Because I’m really puzzled.

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