Who’s Next?

The first two Republicans who endorsed Donald Trump from the House of Representatives have now been indicted. That raises the question: who was the third?

That would be Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee, who appears to be criminally clean. However, in 2014 it came out that he urged a mistress and his ex-wife to have abortions. Pro-life people call that murder, but it may be okay since he’s a Republican; he won re-election in 2016 by 30 points. Republican lobbyist Elliott Broidy paid a former Playboy Playmate to keep quiet about their affair and her subsequent abortion, and Republicans don’t seem upset about that “murder” either.

Fourth? Tom Marino of Pennsylvania. Trump nominated him to be the US drug czar, but Marino withdrew his name after it was learned that he sponsored legislation that made it harder for the Drug Enforcement Agency to battle the opioid epidemic, and also took $100,000 from the pharmaceutical lobby. He’s still in Congress.

Fifth? Tom Reed of New York, who seems to be keeping his nose clean.

Jeff Sessions, of course, was the first Senator to endorse candidate Trump. He has diligently avoided being involved in obstructing justice. However, that has made Donald Trump and his base very upset with Sessions.

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