What Did We United Brethren Do Wrong this Time?

I received this message at work today, sent through the website:

How sad to read that your denominational leaders have endorsed amnesty for illegal aliens. Perhaps we should break down border barriers because surely Jesus wanted all peoples to be able to migrate at will.

Why don’t you take the locks off your churches, so that people can enter whenever they wish? Why don’t you cede the residences of your congregants to the homeless?

Churches are being sucked into the mindless, leftist idea of “social justice” and away from the justice of the Bible.

First of all, we’ve made no statement whatsoever on this subject, so I have no idea what this person heard. Probably got us mixed up with some other “brethren” group. That happens a lot.

But I’m also wondering what this woman (it was a woman) believes the Bible says about justice. Because while she and Glenn Beck and Lou Dobbs may be kindred spirits, I’m guessing Jesus would take some exception to their views. And the Founding Fathers, too, for that matter. Because America was built by people who came here because borders were broken down.

I’m not making a statement for amnesty. I don’t know enough about the subject to make an informed statement. I’m just reacting to the knee-jerk mindlessness of people like this.

UPDATE: Okay, this person pointed me to this reference to a resolution from the National Association of Evangelicals. We’re listed among the member denominations, with a link to our feedback form. So I’ll probably be getting some more.

So the National Association of Evangelicals made a statement which endorses amnesty for illegal aliens? I looked up the NAE statement. No they didn’t. The statement proposes seven actions, none of which involves amnesty. The one they’re probably worked up about says:

That the government establish a sound,
equitable process toward earned legal status for currently undocumented
immigrants, who desire to embrace the responsibilities and privileges
that accompany citizenship.”

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