Wearing the T-Shirt

tshirt.jpegI’m only to page 28, but already I can say, “Wow! I love this book!”

The book is I Became a Christian and All I got was this Lousy T-shirt, by Vince Antonucci, a church planter in Virginia. He’s a very funny writer. Reminds me of me, when I was a funny writer (now I’m old and cranky).

The premise is that Christians don’t live the adventurous, abundant life Jesus died for. We never take the vacation. The First Century Christians took the vacation, the adventure. We just wear a T-shirt about an adventure we never experience. Is Jesus like a used car salesman, who exaggerates what he’s selling?

“The benefits he claims to give to those who say yes to him include abundant life, pure joy in the face of trials, peace that surpasses understanding, power to heal the sick with our prayers, assurance that we will never be tempted in a way we can’t handle, fearlessness, and the promise that we will do greater things than Jesus did. How many Christians would say these things are a good description of their lives?”

This is really good stuff. And it’s fun to read, to boot.

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