Unwelcome, Late-Night Visitors at Church

Sunday night, some mischief-makers broke into the church. We couldn’t find anything that was stolen, though I understand some things were, indeed, taken. They also:

  • Jammed the photocopier.
  • Jammed the paper shredder.
  • Turned on the computer in the sound booth and accessed porn sites.
  • Broke off all the nobs on the lightbox.
  • Changed all the settings on the soundboard.
  • Moved all the nobs on my keyboard.
  • Did other stuff.

Someone was also in the church Saturday night. Pat, the administrative assistant, noticed that stuff in her office had been disturbed. The worship team, always the first to arrive, noticed a downstairs door open.

Last night at music practice, I couldn’t figure out why my usual piano setting sounded so sharp and loud. Then I noticed that all of the sound adjustment nobs were maxed out.

Pam couldn’t get the monitor working, which means the worship team won’t have the benefit of lyrics this Sunday.

I just learned that the culprits, two boys, were caught and will be doing community service. Such is life at Anchor.

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