The Joy of the Little Guy

I’m rooting for the Cuban baseball team to win the World Baseball Classic. Not the country of Cuba. Certainly not Father Fidel. It’s the players on Cuba’s baseball team that excite me. They are tremendous players, and may be the Cuban version of “professional athletes,” but they lack all of the benefits (and huge salaries) of pro players in the USA. In quality, they measure up to our pros. In attitude, they are more like college players–exuberant, smiling, thrilled to be there. Watching them is like watching any of the NCAA college teams in March Madness.

Okay, I guess this qualifies me as a communist sympathizer. Go dig up Joe McCarthy and smear me.

I enjoy watching the worship teams from small churches. A local Alliance church played at our church a few years ago, and it was clear that those guys were a close team who loved playing music together. Likewise for a UB church I visited in Kokomo, Ind. I saw them play, watched them interact with each other, and they reminded me of the Anchor team. A bunch of guys engaged in a common mission around something they love doing, and are gifted to do. There is a group from Huntertown which plays at the Seekers coffeehouse frequently, and I sensed the same thing with them.

I don’t see that when I watch polished teams from big churches led by professionals. I don’t sense the team-ness, the cohesion, that I see in little-church teams. The commaraderie we have as a team at Anchor goes lightyears beyond what I experienced for years at a much larger church. It was still fun there. But it was nothing like what we share on the Anchor team.

Go Cuba. Go Anchor. Go little guys.

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