Sunday Night Pre-Game This and That

Some miscellaneous blogworthy thoughts:

  • Mom and Dad came over for lunch, for Father’s Day. I grilled ribeyes, did a crockpot with potatoes, onion, and carrots, made a fruit bowl, and sauteed some vegetables. Had a great time with them. They liked our new couches.
  • Watched the special Meet the Press tribute to Tim Russert, plus lots of other tribute segments since his unexpected passing on Friday. Russert was definitely a giant. We’ll miss him, especially in this election year–probably the most exciting one he was ever part of. Nobody can fill his shoes. I always felt he was the very best at moderating debates (with Brian Williams a close second; and they sometimes did debates together). Wolf is the worst.
  • Interesting 60 Minutes report about how Denmark always tops surveys of the world’s happiest people. The consensus is that it’s more about contentment than happiness. They have a decent standard of living, without big fluctuations between rich and poor, and don’t aspire to be rich. Can also call it a lack of ambition. The Apostle Paul would have made a good Dane when it comes to contentment, though he was certainly driven, too.
  • The other 60 Minutes segment was on the importance of sleep, and how not getting enough affects memory, motor skills, and just about everything else. Thanks to the NBA game tonight, I’ll not get much sleep, leading no doubt to critical mistakes at work tomorrow.
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