Respecting Our Military

Before 9/11, in airports, you could accompany someone to the gate even if you weren’t personally flying. A wife could wait with her husband until he actually boarded the plane.

Can’t do that now. But on Wednesday, as Pam and I waited to fly out of Fort Wayne’s airport, I noticed several serviceman, clad in their fatigues, waiting with spouses or kids. An exception had been made. Nice to see.

Last night, Pam and I ate supper at the County Line BBQ with other workshop leaders and sponsors of MinistryCOM. A fellow from Willow Creek sat at our table.

He told of being in an airport restaurant getting a bite to eat. Four military guys sat at a table. This guy thought he would buy their meal for them. Least he could do.

He motioned the waiter over. He pointed to the servicemen and said, “Will you give me their check?”

The waiter leaned down and said, “Get in line.”

How great is that?

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