My iPhone and Me, Re-United

I visited Shoe Carnival this afternoon, and was about a mile away, heading home, when I realized I didn’t have my cell phone. I remembered referring to it at Shoe Carnival. The belt pouch had been coming loose lately, not staying tight. I figured it fell off.

I rushed back to Shoe Carnival. We scoured the store, called the number–nothing. My iPhone 4S wasn’t there. Somebody, I figured, found it and walked off with it. I drove off praying, “Lord, you know who has my cell phone. Please get it back to me.”

It always helps to pray. I had read from Brother Lawrence that morning, who said we should maintain a constant state of prayer, “imploring His assistance in our affairs just as they happen.” This had just happened. So I implored.

At home, I signed in to my iCloud account, and clicked on the “Find My Phone” button. There it was–just off South Anthony. (If you’re from Fort Wayne, you are now groaning.) I could see the house in Google satellite view.

From the computer, I locked the phone. I was about ready to remotely wipe it clean, when I noticed that I could send a message. So I sent, “If you have this, please call” and I gave my home phone number.

Within 30 seconds, a woman called. She had found my phone outside Shoe Carnival and tried to turn it in to the store, but she was told to just drop it in a mailbox (which explains the somewhat odd and unhelpful behavior of the store manager–he already KNEW the phone wasn’t in the store, because he turned this lady away). So she was kind of stuck with the phone, and just went home with it.

“Where can I meet you to get my phone?” I asked.

“You can just come to my house,” she said, and gave me the address.

I drove there. A black lady met me at the door with the phone. I gave her $15 in gratitude, and was on my way home.

A prayer was answered. My pearl of great price was returned.

And I was pretty impressed by what I could do remotely to a lost phone.

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