Messy Justice is Still Justice

I’m not a fan of celebrity pardons. I want to see justice done in the prison system, but not restrict it to people who either know the President, know somebody who can get the President’s ear, or get on Fox & Friends to state their case during the President’s morning “executive time.” I’d prefer a more thoughtful, objective approach to pardons and commutations.

However, I care more than justice happen, regardless of the process. And in the case of Alice Johnson, whose sentence was commuted today by President Trump, justice was done. That gladdens me.

Johnson was convicted of a nonviolent, first-time drug offense, and given a ridiculous life sentence. And she has served 22 years. Such a sentence should never have happened.

So thank you, President Trump, for freeing this woman from prison. Justice was done. And thank you, Kim Kardashian, for using your influence to make it happen.

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