Let Them Eat in Peace

There is nothing admirable or civil in kicking somebody out of a restaurant, somebody who just wants to have a peaceful meal with family. According to the Red Hen restaurant owner, Sarah Huckabee Sanders left without a fuss. Good for her. She’s the only person in that story whose actions I respect.

Then I heard Maxine Waters’ speech, calling for this kind of stuff to happen on a widespread basis–in restaurants, department stores, gas station. As a Christian, that disgusted me. Just imagine where such attitudes and behavior would take us–actually, probably WILL take us, since this snake is now out of the bag. I’m expecting more examples of this kind of ugliness in the days ahead. It could even become the norm.

Michelle Obama has modeled, “When they go low, we go high.” Well, looks to me like liberals decided they prefer going low.

I agree with David Axelrod: “I am kind of amazed and appalled by the number of folks on Left who applauded the expulsion. This, in the end, is a triumph for @realDonaldTrump vision of America: Now we’re divided by red plates & blue plates! #sad.”

I read one columnist who said this public shaming is justified–that the Administration’s actions in separating immigrant families are so despicable, drastic action is needed. But you can contrive what I’ll call “justified outrage” over any administration, of any party, at any point in time. Republicans will always have the abortion issue–“They are killing children, so we’re going to hound them wherever they go.” Democrats have a range of issues to get outraged about against Republicans–militarism, racism, policies affecting poor children, and more. There will always be something.

Who will step in to calm this stuff? I see nobody. Normally, you would look to the President. George W. Bush played that role after 9/11 to calm the anti-Muslim hysteria, which could have resulted in terrible domestic violence against everyday Muslims. I admired that, and America needed it. But the current President has never shown any interest in calming anything. Instead, after the Red Hen situation, he played his typical 7th grade Mean Girl role, tweeting out his usual juvenile insults. We desperately need grownups. God help us.

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