Interesting interview with Franklin Graham on Time magazine’s website. He was asked what Jesus would say about AIDS. His answer:
In his day, there was leprosy, which was incurable. And Jesus healed lepers. He didn’t turn them away. That would be the same reaction today. But Jesus did tell people he healed, “Go and sin no more.” And I think that to a person with HIV/AIDS, he would tell them, “Go and sin no more”….I think there are times where a sinful lifestyle can lead to a disease in our bodies. I think Jesus would heal a person who drinks too much alcohol and ends up with cirrhosis of the liver and say, “Don’t go back and do that again.”
We’re very concerned today about not appearing judgmental, about not doing anything that might hurt someone’s feelings or self-esteem. But I think Jesus was probably far more concerned about the person’s heart than about their disease.