Our big denominational convention is fast approaching, and I’ve been in a state of heightened alert for about two months now. Just a ton of things to do before 850 people descend on our meeting place. I’ve been designing brochures, posters, slides, nametags, info sheets, logos, and sundry other things. Wrote a video script, edited and layed-out all of the business reports. Wrote a database to hold all the registrant info.
Anyway, it’s been hectic for a long time. And when that happens, when I begin feeling like I’m behind and won’t be able to catch up, then I start having The Dream. I’m back in college, and I keep forgetting about classes I need to attend. Weeks go by. I’m missing classes, missing assignments, missing tests.
So I’ve been waiting for The Dream to surface. And on Friday night, it did. Except that during this dream, I realized it was only The Dream. So when a teacher gave me an assignment, I said, “I don’t owe anybody anything. Not with 200 million dollars in the bank.” Then I woke up.
Uh…say again? Two hundred million dollars? That was definitely a new wrinkle to The Dream. The only thing I can figure is that the last thing I did before going to bed was to google about the Donald Trump-Mark Cuban feud, this spat between billionaires, one of whom is a childish wuss, and one of whom owns a really good basketball team that choked royally this year.