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Books: Three Mysteries with WW2 Connections


Over the Christmas holidays, I read three Black Lizard mysteries from Vintage books, all by different authors. Each book related in some way to World War 2. One is set in Germany, one in Sweden, and one in post-war Japan. One is outstanding, the others not so much.

“Self’s Deception,” by Bernhard Schlink. Schlink wrote a series of mysteries around Gerhard Self, a private detective in Germany. He’s 69 years old, and had fought in the German army, and there are references to skeletons. The plot involves searching for a young woman who has gone missing. Self finds her fairly quickly, but things get complicated fast. We end up amidst a terrorist attack on an American installation where poison gas from the war is kept.

I didn’t care for this book. I never got a good sense of Gerhard Self, never found a reason to find him the least bit interesting. The book had little action (read: violence), and the plot, though suitably intricate, never engaged me. I forced myself through the final pages, not caring how it turned out. Very disappointing for a Black Lizard book.

Philip Kerr’s “Berlin Noir” books about PI Bernie Gunther are far more interesting, with a fully developed, fascinating protagonist. But Kerr is Scottish, not German, and he shapes Gunther more like an American rule-breaking investigator. It’s always interesting to see how writers in other cultures build a mystery hero…except that Self is a boring character.

“The Return of the Dancing Master,” by Henning Mankell. This is an amazing, engrossing book. Mankell departs from the Kurt Wallander saga to introduce us to Stefan Lindman, a policeman on medical leave (he has cancer) who gets involved in the case of a former colleague who was brutally murdered. The motive for the murder, revenge, traces back 50 years to the latter days of World War 2.

I don’t know where to begin. Suffice it to say, this is Henning Mankell at his best (or second-best, after “The White Lioness”). Lots of detail, a true police procedural of following leads this way and that way, sometimes down dead-ends. Personal dramas are woven seamlessly into the narrative.

I read 200 pages on Christmas Eve, and the other 200 pages on Christmas Day. Mankell writes with the magnetic attraction that irresistibly pulls you along, chapter by chapter. My guesses about how it would end proved wrong, though I did have valid suspicions. At any rate–if you like mysteries, read this book.

“Tokyo Year Zero,” by David Peace. This book begins the day Japan surrenders, but mostly occurs a year later with the US occupation in full swing. A Japanese policeman is investigating the murders of a number of young women, amid the backdrop of a ravaged city and a populace seeking order and food.

I like plots that occur within a larger context. Philip Kerr’s “Berlin Noir” books do that, a mystery unfolding as the Nazis rise to power or during the Allied occupation; Dan Fesperman’s mysteries occur within the context of the Bosnian war. But in “Tokyo Year Zero,” the occupation was far in the background. I wanted much more.

“Tokyo Year Zero” could have been fascinating in that regard. But Peace takes a very artsy-fartsy, psychological approach, and I just didn’t care enough to figure out what he was doing. I just wanted an interesting ride, so I guess I was the wrong reader in the wrong mood. I found the book difficult to read, even as others heap acclaim on it. I finished it, but I’m not sure what exactly happened. Yet I did gain some insights into the post-war occupation, and am interested enough to perhaps read some nonfiction about it.

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Blockbuster, I Really Really Loathe You.

Pam and I returned to Blockbuster for the first time since 2002. That’s how long we’ve been doing Netflix. We needed to rent a Playstation game for Cameron, my nephew. Can’t get those with Netflix.

Cameron: I stood in line for 30 minutes! Just to rent a game. Do you appreciate your uncle, or what?

The experience reaffirmed my membership in–and now, I realize, unbridled devotion to–Netflix. For less than $20 a month, we get 3 videos at a time, with a two-day turnaround, which means we could probably watch 30 videos a month, if we really tried. Plus, we can stream scores of other videos directly to our TV or computer.

The experience today reminded me of the insanity that is Blockbuster:

  • Drive to the store, several miles away.
  • Search for a parking spot in the terribly inadequate lot.
  • Browse the shelves, trying to decide what to rent.
  • The number of videos available is a tiny fraction of what you can get on Netflix.
  • You end up selecting something that’s available, whether or not it’s what you really wanted.
  • Stand in line for eons.
  • High rental cost.
  • Drive back to the store to return the videos within 5 days.
  • Late fees (no late fees with Netflix).

Considering the convenience of Netflix, how does Blockbuster even stay in business?

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Blood and Geritol at Kohls

Kohls had lots of great sales going today. So while Pam was working, I was spending.

As I grabbed a shirt near the bottom of a stack, a pin stabbed my thumb. Deep. And then it started bleeding…and bleeding…and wouldn’t stop. I finally found a wastebasket with some of that flimsy paper they wrap within dress shirts. Wrapped it around my thumb, and the bleeding finally stopped.

Then I went to pay for my items.

The checkout girl asked, “Do you qualify for the senior discount?”

A few hours before, I’d had a good workout at the Y. I felt young, vigorous, and hale. But now…just how old did I look?

“It depends,” I responded, “on what age the discount starts.” After all, you can join AARP as soon as you turn 50.

“62,” the gal said.

I’m 53. But to her, I looked like I could be at least 62.

I decided I didn’t like Kohls anymore.

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I’m Being Sold on Ebay!

ArchieBook.jpgA copy of “Tio Archie,” the book I wrote about missionary Archie Cameron, is being sold on ebay for $10. We’re pretty much giving away our excess stock. But this one is signed by Archie Cameron. Maybe I’ll buy it. Not even I have a copy signed by Archie (who passed away a couple years ago).

I’ll be in Honduras in 2 weeks. They hope to release the Spanish edition of “Tio Archie” at that time.

I see a few copies of my Murphy Law cartoon books are also being sold on ebay. Hadn’t noticed that before.

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This Concept Needs a Little More Thought


(Thanks to Kem Meyer for the photo.)

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The Colts Settle for Being 1 of 44. Not Historic.

Colts_vs_Jets.jpgI went to bed last night disgusted with the Colts. I woke up disgusted. And I’m still disgusted. Disgusted that they sacrificed being a potential history-making team, settling instead for being a team of good-enough.

Coach Jim Caldwell said perfection was never their goal. Well, mission accomplished. Quitter.

The Colts have their eye on becoming the 44th team to win the Super Bowl. Big whup. Winning the Super Bowl is the epitome of the season, but not necessarily something historic. Instead of being 1 of 44, the Colts could have been:

  • The 3rd team to end the regular season undefeated.
  • The 2nd team to go undefeated and win the Super Bowl.
  • The only team to finish with a 19-0 record.

Instead, they settled for being 1 of 44. Nothing special.

Said center Jeff Saturday, when the Indy fans booed: “I don’t blame them a bit, man. I probably would have booed, too. I don’t blame them. They pay to come see us win games, and we didn’t get it done.”

Former NFL great Chris Carter pointed out on ESPN that momentum is tough to recapture. The Saints had momentum, but lost it to the Cowboys. The very next week they lost again to Tampa Bay, of all teams.

The Colts commanded amazing momentum, but voluntarily gave it up. Decided it wasn’t important. The Colts will probably phone it in this week against the Bills, then have a bye week. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they lose in the first round of the playoffs. The momentum is gone. The extra sense of purpose–of being one of the all-time great teams, a team of destiny–was thrown aside frivolously.

The Patriots went undefeated in 2007 until the Super Bowl. But people will talk about them a long time, as one of only two teams–with the Dolphins–to go undefeated in the regular season. Yes, they lost the final game. But they are still 1 of 2, not 1 of 44. They made history, and they never checked their swing. I hate them, but admire that they went for it.

Patriots linebacker Tedy Bruschi wrote on ESPN:

There aren’t many times in your life when you have a chance to do something that has never been done before. When you are faced with a challenge like that, my feeling is that you embrace it and see if you’ve got what it takes to conquer it.

That’s the way we felt in New England. And yes, we lost the Super Bowl, but let me be clear: We lost the Super Bowl because the New York Giants played better than we did that day. It was not because we were tired and needed more rest….

I always thought the off-season was the time for rest….

Here’s the reality: Some teams don’t just play for championships, they play to be the best there has ever been. Others are just satisfied with doing what’s required. The Colts decided that resting is more important than making a run at history. They are telling us that what they have done up to this point in the season is good enough. They are satisfied with home-field advantage throughout the playoffs. 19-0? No big deal. History? Didn’t want it.

Should the Indianapolis Colts go on to win the Super Bowl, do you celebrate them or wonder: What if they did want it?

Even if the Colts win the Super Bowl, there will be a damper on the season. They could have been one of the all-time great teams. Instead, they settled for being 1 of 44. Way to be. Enjoy your average, nothing special Super Bowl ring.

I also realize that if a starter or two got injured for the rest of the season in what was a non-essential game, I might be writing something different. And yet, I could admire that.

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Short Life and Death on the Technology Frontier

Macworld published an article called “10 Obsolete Technologies to Kill in 2010.” Number 1 on the list was Fax machines. It pointed out some silliness I hadn’t considered–that FAX documents begin life digitally, get converted to paper, get converted back into digital form for transmission, then get printed out on the receiving end on paper.

For instance: I create a digital Microsoft Word document. I print it out, so I can Fax it. The Fax machine scans the paper, converting it back to digital. It goes over the phone lines, and pops out from a Fax machine as a very low-quality paper document. Someone then types the information from the document back into a computer.

The easier solution: just email it. Keep it digital, and save some trees.

The rest of the list of obsolete technologies:

2. Cigarette lighters in cars. They usually don’t have lighters anymore, but serve as electrical outlets. “Almost nobody smokes in their cars. Almost everybody carries phones and gadgets that need power in their cars.” So replace this relic from the 1920s with a standard electrical outlet or a USB port.

3. WWW. We don’t need those letters at the beginning of web addresses.

4. Business cards. These are becoming obsolete…but not yet.

5. Movie rental stores. Pam and I, as Netflix people, haven’t stood in line at a movie store for 8 years. “Standing lin line? For an electronic file? come on!”

6. Home entertainment remotes. We’ve all got too many of them. The author suggests that apps in mobile phones would work much better.

7. Landline phones. These are obviously on the way out, at least for homes, as people use just their cell phone.

8. Music CDs. They are environmentally unfriendly, fragile, inconvenient, and have no significant advantages over downloaded music files. Everyone should move to an all-digital library.

9. Satellite radio. I didn’t agree with the author, who obviously doesn’t drive much. I wouldn’t want to give up my XM.

10. Redundant registration. You know, providing contact info, username, and password at site after site. People are working on this, but it may be a while.

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Scenes From Our Christmas

Here are a few shots from Christmas Eve at the Dennie home. I’m quite aware that my lovely wife, Pam, is not in any of these photos. Please understand that I did take photos of her, but that none would have passed her quality control.

Click on the photo on the left, and a much larger version will appear in a popup window.

ChristmasTree2009_1000.jpg We’ve had this Christmas tree for around 15 years now.
Fireplace_1200.jpg I finally cranked up our fireplace on Christmas Eve. The big wreath belonged to Pam’s Dad, Chuck, who died two years ago.
Fontanini_1000.jpg I’ve always loved manger scenes. Used to rearrange our manger scene all the time as a kid. Pam and I usually add a couple Fontanini pieces each year (we have around 50), but didn’t find any this year.
Steve_crockpot.JPG Pam got me a new, 6 quart crockpot with a clamp-down lid, perfect for church potlucks. Yes, I put this on my Christmas list.
Jordi_Peppermint1000.jpg Jordi loved the smell of these peppermint candies that Pam got me. As if it were catnip.
Molly_catnip950.jpg Molly, meanwhile, being more discriminating, loved the bona fide catnip which Grandma Barb sent from California. Really perked her up.
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Our Christmas Rook Tournament

1074110.jpgPam and I went over to Mom and Dad’s for lunch, and stayed until 7 p.m. We spent several hours playing Rook–me and Dad against Mom and Pam.

Rook, for the unenlightened, is the “Christian” card game. The one we could all play with clear consciences at Huntington University back in the olden days. I remember playing into the early morning hours with Steve Barber, Brad Carpenter, Ray Faber, and other classmates.

As a young married couple in Huntington, Mom and Dad often played Rook with other young marrieds–Marvin and Grace Ann Price, Jim and Joyce Howald, Bob and Fran Myers, Bob and Agnes Baker, and others. Today, they reminisced about some of those games and who usually partnered with who. I realize that one of those “who”s shoulda been a “whom,” but this is Christmas, so be charitable.

We play to 500 points, and the maximum you can win in a hand is 180 points. Dad and I burst out of the gates with two 180-point hands. Got up to 470 points, and then let up, going set a few times. But we still prevailed, winning the first game.

But in the second game, Dad and I managed to lose a game to 500 points by 800 points. How is that possible? Mom and Pam ended with 635 points, while Dad and I were more than 200 in the hole.

Then Mom and Pam won game 3. And game 4. But Dad and I salvaged game 5, to end the night a respectable 2-3. Still losers, but at least it wasn’t 1-4. That would have been humiliating, as opposed to merely embarrassing.

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Little Red Birds Beat Up Lions


For his birthday, my brother Rick (that’s him above) got tickets to an NFL game–the Arizona Cardinals vs. the Detroit Lions. Rick is a big Cardinals fan. He lived in Phoenix when the Cards moved to Phoenix, and was a season ticketholder for two years. So yeah, he’s a big fan.

Detroit? Maybe not his first choice, but the only one available when his wife Dorene was looking for tickets. But turns out it was a very good game.

Rick wrote about the experience on his blog.

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