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Musings about the Angel of Death’s Criteria

Pastor Tim preached about Charlton Heston Moses and the Exodus today. As he talked about the final plague, the death of the firstborn sons, I began wondering:

How exactly did God define “firstborn son”? Was there an age cut-off?

There were plenty of fathers and grandfathers who were firstborn sons. Pharoah himself may  have been a firstborn son. Did the Angel of Death kill firstborn sons regardless of age, or did he concern himself only with dependent children?

What if a man had fooled around, and secretly had a son by another woman before having a son by his wife. Would that other boy have died, while the boy he was raising was spared (since he was not truly his firstborn son)? And did that make his wife suspicious?

Was it only a man’s firstborn son that died, or the woman’s firstborn son? In the latter case, one man could have lost multiple sons.

What did the Angel do when he came across a home with a hermaphrodite
child? Such children, bearing both male and female sexual
characteristics, occur 1-3 out of every 100,000 people, so there would
have been some such Egyptian children. I’m just wondering.

These are the questions which keep me awake at night.

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Books: North of Montana, Judas Horse

AprilSmithBooks225.jpgI just finished two books by April Smith, a new author to me. “North of Montana” and “Judas Horse” are two Black Lizard/Vintage Crime mysteries featuring Ana Grey, an FBI investigator. The books were written 15 years apart–1994 and 2008–which is a bit odd. But I went right from one to the other and didn’t feel like I had missed much in Ana’s life.

“North of Montana” revolves around a Hollywood star’s claim that her doctor got her addicted to painkillers. Ana Grey is assigned to investigate–a chump chase, not anything she wanted. But swirling around this investigation are a whole bunch of other threads, all of which are tied up, one way or another, by the end of the book:

  • What happened to Ana’s father, an El Salvadoranian?
  • Ana’s relationship with her happily-married partner.
  • Her relationship with Poppy, the bigoted cop/grandfather who raised her.
  • The superior who squelches her quest for a promotion.
  • The two Hispanic orphans, their mother gunned down, whom she is told are her cousins.

“North of Montana” was, in short, a wonderful book. Not a murder mystery, which I normally gravitate to; not a high-action book. But there was a lot going on, and it held my rapt attention.

“Judas Horse” was very different, yet equally superb. Ana Grey goes undercover to infiltrate a group of eco-terrorists. Smith didn’t have lots of threads going in this one, but focused on Ana’s undercover work and the collection of interesting personalities among these misguided criminals. Interestingly, Smith educates the reader about ecological causes, particularly regarding animals (mustang horses especially), and you feel sympathy for those causes (though I’m already inclined in that direction). And yet, you object strongly to the methods used to advance these causes. A variety of elements came together at the end, though not in the ways I was expecting. She surprised me in a number of ways.

April Smith is a skilled writer who knows all about dramatic tension
and conflict. She is a thrice Emmy-nominated writer-producer with lots
of credits on TV series and movies. I cannot emphasize how much I enjoyed her books. April Smith rocks!

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Curling – A Manly Man’s Sport

Last night I watched the USA men’s Curling team lose, in overtime, to the Swiss. It was a thrilling match which demonstrated the human spirit at its finest. Rarely have I been so proud to be an American.

Our finely tuned Curling athletes pushed themselves to the limit, extracting every last ounce of energy from their chiseled physiques, the determination showing on their faces as they dug deep within themselves for that last boost of adrenaline, dripping sweat betraying their exhaustion, drawing on untold years of crushing endurance training which would vanquish lesser men. But alas, it was not to be. Not this day.

Now let’s give them all wedgies.

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Evan Bayh: Goodbye to Another Moderate

evanbayh.jpgWhat a surprise this afternoon–that Evan Bayh won’t seek re-election to the Senate. His speech, which I watched on the CNN site, was highly critical of the way Congress works, and it’s clear that he has had enough. He’s more of a CEO than a back-room, arm-twisting politician. He likes to get things done. And he apparently felt he was wasting his time in the Senate, even though he was part of the majority. It’s nice to see a few politicians with principle.

Bayh was one of the dwindling group of moderates in the Senate. Both parties seem to be exorcising their moderates in favor or extremists. Polarization seems to be the name of the game. As moderates flee or get kicked out, government will become increasingly dysfunctional.

I voted for Bayh when he was governor of Indiana, and, I’m pretty sure, in each of his Senate campaigns. Before that, I voted for Dan Coats, a Republican, whose place Bayh took when Coats decided not to run again. Coats is a good man. I would have been torn, but would probably have voted for Coats. Now I won’t need to make that decision.

With Bayh out of the picture, I greatly doubt that the Democrats can find somebody of caliber to beat Dan Coats. So that’ll be another Senate pick-up for the Republicans. With Dick Lugar and Evan Bayh, Indiana has had two excellent senators,
both of them common-sense moderates who prefer to be bi-partisan. I
hope Dan Coats will continue that legacy.

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What’s a Triple Lutz Salchow Triple Spin Toe Loop Camel?

I’ve been watching, and enjoying, Olympic figure skating since I was a kid. But I’m here to admit that I don’t know what all those terms mean. I only get exposed to them every four years, and none of the announcers ever explain them. They just talk about them as if you, the casual viewer, know what the maneuver is.

Like the salchow. What’s that? It always sounds like “sow-cow,” which is what you get when you mate Mrs. Porky with Mr. Bessie. I couldn’t tell the difference between a salchow and a lutz, or a triple toe-loop, for that matter. Or an axel. Or a camel. What makes an axel different from a salchow? What’s easier, a double toe-loop or a double lutz?

Then there are different types of spins, lifts, jumps, flips, and spirals.  My favorite term is the death spiral (a move which I think I recognize). 

Right now, they’re showing pairs figure skating. And the announcers are throwing all these terms around at us amateurs, as if we’re thoroughly familiar with this insider lingo. I think they’re on a power trip. They enjoy making us commoners think we’re uncultured hicks.

Well, I’ve watched figure skating enough years without understanding these terms. No sense in learning now. Just enjoy the show.

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Books: Mind’s Eye, The Return

mindseye-return300.jpgDuring the last week I read two books by Swedish writer Hakan Nesser. Here is yet another very good Swedish mystery writer.

Nesser’s protagonist is Chief Inspector Van Veeteren. I found nothing special about Veeteren (though I initially thought the same of Henning Mankell’s hero, Kurt Wallander). Perhaps he will grow on me. Nevertheless, the plots were quite engaging.

Both books feature a team of police investigators trying to solve murders (as do Mankell’s books). The Swedes aren’t into the rugged individualist, man-against-the-system types common in American mysteries. In both books, interestingly, the investigation revolves around someone whom Van Veeteren suspects has been falsely convicted and imprisoned for a murder. And in both books, the investigation is set in motion when the accused is killed.

In “Mind’s Eye,” a man is sentenced to a mental institution for killing his wife, and then is brutally killed in his cell. The beginning chapters, about this man’s court case, are utterly fascinating. It’s a complex plot which twists and turns before reaching a satisfying conclusion.

In “The Return,” Leopold Verhaven spends 12 years in prison for killing his wife, is free for a while, and then goes back to prison for another 12 years for killing another woman. On the day he is released from prison the second time, he is murdered. Did someone seek revenge? Or was he murdered by the actual murderer? Did Verhaven–himself a complex, disturbed person–commit one murder, both…or none?

While I was not particularly taken by Van Veeteren, the conclusion to “The Return” surprised me with its uniqueness, and made me want to read more about Veeteren. There’s another Van Veeteren book in English, and no doubt others awaiting translation from the Swedish.

Nesser’s books, like most of my favorite mysteries, are published under the Black Lizard imprint from Vintage Books (part of Random House).

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The Early 70s had the Best Quarterbacks


I miss football already.

Football-wise, I came of age in the early 1970s. It was probably 1969 when I started caring about pro football, back in 7th grade. And in the next few years, I became a huge fan.

The first team I really cared about was the Minnesota Vikings, a team that would go on to dash my hopes repeatedly, including this year. I loved the way Fran Tarkenton played.

Right now, there’s a lot of discussion about putting Drew Brees in the “elite quarterback” category, whose rarefied atmosphere also includes Peyton Manning and Tom Brady. Three elite quarterbacks.

Today’s elites toil amongst a whole bunch of forgettable QBs. But I can still remember the quarterback for nearly every NFL team from the early 1970s, and there were a lot of really good ones. Here they are, off the top of my head:

Baltimore: Johnny Unitas
NY Jets: Joe Namath
Minnesota: Fran Tarkenton
Kansas City: Len Dawson
Pittsburgh: Terry Bradshaw
New Orleans: Archie Manning
Detroit: Greg Landry
Dallas: Robert Staubach and Craig Morton
Washington: Bill Kilmer and Sonny Jurgenson
Miami: Bob Griese
Oakland: Daryl Lamonica and George Blanda
LA Rams: Roman Gabriel
San Francisco: John Brodie
Cincinnati: Ken Anderson
New England: Steve Grogan
Buffalo: Joe Ferguson
St. Louis Cardinals: Jim Harte
San Diego: John Hadl
Houston: Charley Johnson and Dan Pastorini
Chicago: Bobby Douglas

That’s a pretty impressive group. They make up one-third of the modern-era QBsin the Hall of Fame. A number of them were amazing scramblers–Tarkenton, Manning, Landry, Grogan, Staubach, Griese, Bradshaw. You don’t see much of that today, because coaches and GMs don’t want QBs to risk getting hurt. Wimps.

The only teams whose QB I can’t recall are: Atlanta, NY Giants, Cleveland, Green Bay, and Philly. I couldn’t come close to naming as many quarterbacks in the 1980s, 1990s, or the 2000s.

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Our Annual Super Bowl Party, 2010 Edition


For several years now, Pam and I have hosted a Super Bowl party. This year’s attendees were a bunch of young adults from Anchor, with a few friends thrown in. Oh, and three preschool boys. Four of them were new this year. Click on the photo for a larger view.

At least three of them were rooting for the Saints. So next year’s list just got a little shorter.

You can see a lot more photos from the party on Facebook.

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Full-Service Bigots Who Hate Everyone

GodBlessHitler.jpgA Gallup World Religion Survey shows that 53% of Americans have a “not too favorable” or worse view of Muslims. That’s not surprising, since we’re at war with a group which tightly identifies itself with Islam.

But the survey also showed that a person who hates Jews is overwhelmingly likely to also hate Muslims. There is no “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” thing going on here. Anti-Semites are full-service bigots, it seems. I would guess that these people also dislike other groups as well (Hispanics, blacks, Asians, gays, Mac users, whatever).

I think it’s pretty clear, too, that people who dislike Muslims don’t necessarily also hate Jews. It just goes the other way.

None of this, when I think about it, is surprising. But I wouldn’t have thought about it apart from this survey.So if you know someone who disparages Jews…this may be a hardcore, all-inclusive bigot.

Then there’s the issue of Muslims who hate Jews…and Jews who hate Muslims…the never-ending story.

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Why Anchor is Such a Cool Church


Pam and me at Anchor on Super Bowl Sunday.


The worship team. Terry (far left) hadn’t donned his Marshall Faulk jersey yet. We’re practicing the “We Will Rock You” stomp-stomp-clap, stomp-stomp-clap.


Lots of Colts fans at Anchor.


The kids come wandering through the sanctuary during sermon sequel, learning about the Israelites wandering in the wilderness.

Anchor is a great church for a lot of reasons. Super Bowl Sunday showed some of them.

  • We were all encouraged to come to church clad in our Colts stuff, and a good number of us did–jerseys, T-shirts, hoods, jackets. Five of the eight worship team members wore the blue and white.
  • To create a stadium atmosphere, we preceded the first song with the greatest stadium song of all time–“We Will Rock You.” Stomp stomp clap, stomp stomp clap. The congregation did that four times, then sang “We will, we will, rock you” four times. And THEN we started into the first worship song. At Anchor, we want to rock your world!
  • A lot of our people come from dysfunctional family situations. Pastor Tim turned over the sermon to a friend, who gave his testimony of growing up in a dysfunctional home, and of his efforts to deal with his father in reconciliation and forgiveness. Nobody could relate exactly with his situation, but parts of it, I’m sure, touched a great many listeners who also struggle with reconciliation, forgiveness, and what it means to honor parents who, from a worldly standpoint, don’t deserve honor.
  • In place of an adult Sunday school, we have what we call “sermon sequel.” The children leave for an instruction time, but the adults stay put for an informal time of building on the sermon. Almost NOBODY leaves. I doubt that anyone left today. How many churches can say that their Sunday school attendance matches their worship attendance?
  • Halfway through the sermon sequel, the back doors of the sanctuary opened and all the children came wandering in, led by Tara Hallman and a child carrying a crooked staff. They were being taught about Moses and the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. They wandered down the aisle and out a side door at the front of the sanctuary. Just a fun little interlude.
  • When sermon sequel ended and the children had rejoined us, we sang our own version of “When the Saints Go Marching In.”

When the Colts, go marching in,
Oh when the Colts go marching in.
How I’d love to be in Miami,
When the Colts go marching in.

Then we sang one final song, and dismissed. It was another great Sunday at Anchor.

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