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Books: “Bad Blood” (Sanford) and “Cross Fire” (Patterson)

Catching up on some more books I read late in the year.

Bad Blood, by John Sanford (2010).
As I’ve written before, I much prefer Sanford’s Virgil Flowers series to his signature Lucas Davenport “Prey” books. Flowers is a much more interesting character than Davenport (who is actually Flowers’ boss). This fourth entry begins with a 19-year-old football star bludgeoning a coworker, and then he’s found hanging in his cell. A deputy is suspected of killing the boy, but that deputy is then murdered. As Flowers and the lady sheriff investigate, clues point to a girl murdered a year before, and to a secretive religious community where lots of bad things seem to happen. The book ends with a doozy of a shoot-out, and a startling act of vengeance. Yes, I think this is the best Flowers book.

Cross Fire, by James Patterson (2010)
I read Cross Fire in one day, on the plane back from California in early November. Patterson’s style–the short chapters, the color-sparse writing, the unrelenting pace–is well-suited for travel reading. This book brings back serial killer Kyle Craig, who, after extensive plastic surgery, assumes the identity of an FBI agent and ends up working with a clueless Alex Cross to solve a series of sniper killings (the victims being corrupt politicians). Realistically, it’s a bit of a leap, but I willingly suspended my skepticism and enjoyed the ride. The ending seemed a bit weak, yet satisfying. The Alex Cross books rarely disappoint (Cross Country being an exception), and this one certainly didn’t. Not one of his best, but an average Alex Cross book is still a lot better than most other books in this genre.

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Four Books: Child, Mankell, MacDonald, and Schlink

I’m getting caught up with mini-reviews of some books I read during the latter months of 2011.

Nothing to Lose, by Lee Child (2008)
This is the 12th book starring hard-guy Jack Reacher (and the 4th Reacher book I’ve read this year). It takes place in the Colorado towns of Hope and Despair, located 12 miles apart. Reacher wanders into Despair and gets all kinds of guff when he merely tries to buy a cup of coffee. He ends up back in Hope, where he teams up with a woman deputy to unravel the diabolical goings-on in Despair.

This was one of my favorite Reacher books. The conspiracy at the heart of Depair is nothing particularly compelling, but everything around it is. Reacher just throws himself into situations and creates havoc. Plus, it reminded me of the first Reacher book I read, “Echo Burning.” Both books involve Reacher wandering innocently into a town and getting embroiled in a Big Messy Situation which demands his tough guyness.

The Man from Beijing, by Henning Mankell (2011)
I cannot over-emphasize how disappinting this book was. It started out great: nearly everyone in a small village in cold and snowy northern Sweden is massacred, a hideous scene. A woman deputy is introduced, then a woman with a connection to some of the victims. Then Mankell takes us back to a the American West, where some Chinese immigrants find themselves serving as slave laborers on the continental railroad. I was fully engrossed.

But I don’t think Mankell really thought through where he wanted to take the book. Soon, the woman deputy becomes a disagreeable caricature, and the other woman, now suddenly the central protagonist, ends up pursuing clues to Beijing. Before long, we’re in Africa, then back to Sweden, then England. It’s just a mess.

Mankell, normally one of my favorite writers, basically indulged in building a story to affirm some personal anti-Chinese political opinions, and it just fell flat. When the whole thing wraps up, there is one glaring inconsistency–a major, major one involving the identity of the killer–involving a photograph which I can in no way resolve. Maybe something was lost in translation. But more to the point, if anything was lost, it was lost in the writing. I hope Mankell got these political obsessions off his chest. I just wish he hadn’t dragged me along.

The Drowning Pool, by Ross MacDonald (1996)
MacDonald, in my book, is the heir–or at least the first heir–to the Raymond Chandler legacy. His guy, Lew Archer, is more interesting, to me, than Phillip Marlowe (though not as funny). But this is the worst MacDonald book I’ve read. I struggled to get through the last 100 pages, and came close to just quitting. It never, for a minute, grabbed my interest. But that won’t stop me from reading more MacDonald books, because he’s normally reliable.

The Gordion Knot, by Bernhard Schlink (2010)
This is a strange little character-driven spy novel, which starts in Germany but spends most of its pages in New York City. This is the second book I’ve read by this German mystery writer, and I didn’t really care for either of them. Why did Black Lizard sign this guy?

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2011: A Very Eventful Year

When you think about it, a whole lot of major stuff happened during 2011. Nothing like 1968–the monster of all eventful years–but more eventful than 2010 and 2004, which I wrote about previously. For 2011, I give you:

Internationally: the Arab World

  • The uprising in Tunisia, with a dictator toppled. (January)
  • The uprising in Egypt, with a dictator toppled. (February)
  • The uprising in Libya, with a dictator toppled and killed. (February)
  • Protests occur in Yemen and Bahrain. (January)
  • Demonstrations in Algeria. (February)
  • The uprising in Syria, with continued bloodshed. (March)
  • Dictator overthrown in Ivory Coast. (April)
  • Two American hikers finally released from Iran. (September)
  • Saudi Arabia grants women the right to vote (sort of). (September)
  • Renewed protests in Egypt’s Tahrir Square. (November)
  • Big earthquake in Turkey. (October)
  • Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit released after 5 years in Palestinian captivity.

Internationally: Elsewhere:

  • The Japanese tsumani, and the threat of nuclear reactor meltdown. (March)
  • The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. (April)
  • South Sudan becomes a nation. (July)
  • A gunman in Norway kills 68 campers and personal friends. (July)
  • Phone hacking scandal rocks the Rupert Murdoch media empire. (July)
  • World population passes 7 billion. (October)
  • Rioting in Greece. (October)
  • Silvio Berlusconi finally resigns as Italy’s premier. (November)
  • Hillary Clinton’s ground-breaking visit to Myanmar. (December)
  • Huge protests in Russia against Vladimir Putin. (December)

On the Military Front:

  • The death of Osama bin Laden. (May)
  • 22 Navy SEALS killed in shot-down helicopter. (August)
  • Military don’t ask, don’t tell policy is repealed. (September)
  • The capture and execution of Ghaddafi. (October)
  • The US military’s final withdrawal from Iraq. (December)


  • The shooting of Gabriel Giffords (January)
  • Protests against the Republican governor in Wisconsin. (February)
  • Obama releases birth certificate. (April)
  • Donald Trump plays hard-to-get as a presidential candidate. (Spring)
  • The debt ceiling talks. (Summer)
  • Congressman Anthony Weiner resigns after scandal. (June)
  • New York legalizes same-sex marriage. (June)
  • The Occupy Wall Street movement. (September)
  • The failed Super Committee. (October)
  • The rise and fall of Herm Caine. (October)
  • The endless debates and ups-and-downs of the Republican primary season. (Fall)

In Sports:

  • The scandals at Ohio State, Penn State, and Syracuse. (November)
  • Both the NFL and NBA get off to a late start because of contract negotiations. (summer and fall)
  • Tebow-mania. (Fall)

Pop Culture:

  • Verizon begins selling the iPhone. (February)
  • The Oprah Winfrey show ends. (May)
  • Amy Winehouse is found dead. (July)
  • The Casey Anthony trial finally comes to an end. (July)
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger admits fathering a child with a housekeeper. Maria Shriver ends their 25-year marriage. (July)
  • Soap “All My Children” cancelled after 41 years (September)
  • Amanda Knox freed in Italian court. (October)
  • The death of Steve Jobs. (October)
  • Michael Jackson’s doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter. (November)
  • Regis leaves his program. (November)
  • Keith Olberman canned by MSNBC (January) and Glenn Beck canned by FoxNews (June).

Not to Mention:

  • The tornadoes in Alabama. (April)
  • Dominique Strauss-Kahn, head of the IMF, arrested for raping a hotel maid. (May)
  • The tornado in Joplin, Missouri. (May)
  • World doesn’t end, as Harold Camping predicted. (May)
  • The last Space Shuttle flight. (July)
  • 10th anniversary of 9/11. (September)
  • Standard & Poor’s lowers the US credit rating for the first time ever. (August)
  • Wind gust toppled stage at Indiana State Fair, killing 7. (August)
  • Virginia earthquake causes cracks in the Washington Monument.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial dedicated in Washington, DC. (October)
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Wanting in North Korea: Acting Lessons

The funeral of Kim Jong Il, the recently departed “Dear Leader” of North Korea, occasioned some of the worst acting you’ll ever see. Makes Steven Seagal look Oscar calibre.

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Mr. Wealthypants Goes to Washington

According to research by the Washington Post, between 1984 and 2009, the median net worth of Congressmen more than doubled, from $280,000 to $725,000 (with inflation factored in). That means half of Congressmen are worth more than $725,000, half are worth less. Meanwhile, the net worth of the average American has gone down slightly.

The right-wing media teaches its lap-it-up followers to defend, applaude, and practically worship the rich, because they are Job Creators. After all, the whole system of capitalism depends on their benevolence.

So, it makes sense to have rich people in Congress. That’s where we want Job Creators. Right?

In previous times, Congress included a lot of very ordinary people–farmers, teachers, everyday workers. Mr. Smiths. But surely that’s not what the Founders intended. Congress should be populated by the rich. Because they, out of the goodness of their hearts, only want to bring prosperity to the huddled masses.


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Movie: Twilight Breaking Dawn, Part 1

Pam and I have really liked the Twilight movies, based on the books by Stephanie Meyer. Pam read all of the books, too.

The fourth and last book is Breaking Dawn. With the franchise coming to an end, the studio decided to milk it by making two books out of Breaking Dawn. The result was a movie in which hardly anything happened. There’s a wedding, a honeymoon, a pregnancy, lots of fussing with feelings of regret and guilt, and then a minor confrontation between vampires and werewolves.

They kept the moodiness of the other movies. But nothing,  just nothing, happened. I guess all the good stuff is in the second half of the book.

I will say this: the end, the very final scene, the last few seconds–that was really good. But if I wasn’t a big fan of the series, I might have wanted my money back.

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Seven Years of Blogging

I started my blog in October 2004. It seems like I’ve been blogging forever, that October 2004 was ancient history.

But just now, I was thinking about it and realized October 2004 was nearly 2 years after we invaded Iraq. So if I’ve been blogging forever, our war with Iraq lasted forever + two years. Geesh, George W., you really dragged us into something.

I noticed that my third post, back in October 2004, was titled “Thoughts on Bush.” It was written a couple weeks before the 2004 election. I reread it, figuring that the march of time would have changed some of my views. But, nope. Read it for yourself.

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Why I Still Prefer the Network Evening News Shows

L-r: Katie Curic, Scott Pelley, Brian Williams, and Diane Sawyer.

I’ve always been a student of the news. Though I trained in college as a journalist, I’ve spent my career in institutional communications, which real reporters view as the refuge of compromisers, the Dark Side. But I’ve always maintained my fascination with the mainstream, hard-news media. I dropped my subscriptions to Columbia Journalism Review and Washington Journalism Review years ago, but still do plenty of reading and critical observing of the men and women who bring us the news.

People don’t like hearing this, but the best day-in and day-out reporting still occurs on the 3 network evening news shows–CBS, NBC, and ABC. Those shows are the most objective, and they cover a broad range of subjects.

I know, the right-wing pundits tell you that anything but FoxNews is the “liberal media” and shouldn’t be listened to. The Faithful are only permitted to listen to FoxNews. But I say rubbish. I far prefer the evening news shows. They easily deliver the most consistent high-quality journalism. But only for 30 minutes.

Brett Baier at FoxNews is okay, but it’s clearly a politically partisan show, not serious news. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer–sorry, I just can’t stomach him. Fingernails on blackboard stuff. And MSNBC doesn’t even try to do an evening news show, instead starting early with their partisan yokels, whom I find unwatchable.

But from 6:30-7:00, if I’m home, I’m watching the Big Three networks. Good, solid reporting.

I’m a big Brian Williams fan, more so than I was a fan of Tom Brokaw. But lately, I’ve developed quite a taste for Scott Pelley, who this year replaced Katie Curic on the CBS Evening News.

Now, I think Katie Curic got a raw deal from viewers. I, personally, didn’t care for her general style and didn’t watch her show much. But they did some creative, solid stuff under her leadership. I remember one marvelous report which showed the affects of the economic slowdown rippling through one community.

Katie was a competent anchor. But coming from the morning shows, people viewed her as light-weight and never really gave her a chance. Plus, she may have been too much of a change in a time-slot where people may prefer sameness. You can probably put me in that category. As I said, I didn’t care for her general style, though my greater problem was with the shallow pool of seasoned reporters. CBS’s once-exceptional line-up of reporters has been decimated in recent years. But Katie was a much better anchor than people gave her credit for. I think a lot of the perception was just pure sexism. But in the end, she wasn’t pulling in the ratings, and the evening news is a business. She had to go.

Scott Pelley, who earned his reporting cred on 60 minutes, brings a whole different style. He comes across as very serious–a bit Dan Ratherish, but not Rather’s strained way which made me grimace. You just feel like Pelley’s giving you the day’s stories in an objective package without trying to entertain or condescend. I like that. More and more, I find myself dwelling on CBS. Plus, Pelley can always draw on the ace reporters at 60 Minutes.

Diane Sawyer is solid, too. But ABC is clearly chumming with the entertainment division. Sawyer landed interviews with Gabby Giffords and Jaycee Dugard, and is the anchor most likely to nab Casey Anthony, Amanda Knox, and that ilk. Not my cup of tea. But hey, it’s good for your ratings.

My preference is still NBC, but more because of the depth of their bench–Richard Engel (the premier war correspondent), Andrea Mitchell (the best Rolodex in town), Chuck Todd, David Gregory, Jim Miklawszewski (Mr. Pentagon), Kelly O’Donnell, Nancy Snyderman, Lisa Myers, and many others. It’s an unbeatable team. And Brian Williams, though he plays it straight on the evening news, is as funny as they come when you get him on the Daily Show or other platforms.

But watch out–Pelley’s on the hunt.

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The Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street

I suppose most movements have some of the same elements:

  • Some mindless followers, who don’t really know what they are protesting against.
  • Fringe wackos who really make the movement look bad.
  • A core of legitimate grievances.

Take the Tea Party.

  • You had the mindless followers–people who watched Glenn Beck and got all riled up, but couldn’t really articulate consistently what they were riled up about. They just knew Glenn Beck (and others) told them Obama was the Devil, and so they grabbed their pitchforks and stormed the castle.
  • You had the fringe wackos with their blatantly racist signs, screaming that Obama was a Nazi or socialist or Muslim or whatever.

But amidst all of that, the Tea Party drew deserved attention to two things:

  1. Federal spending is way out of line. Gotta make cuts.
  2. The federal government is intruding too much on states’ rights, as enshrined in the Constitution.

So long after the townhall shouting ended and the signs came down, we’re still talking about reducing spending and keeping the feds out of areas best left to the states. Those are good, very good, things.

Now we come to the Occupy movement. A lot of parallel things. People who can’t explain why they are camped out in a city park. People who view it as a 2011, no-music version of Woodstock. The drum-bangers who think that’s the way to bring about social change. The fringers who think capitalism is evil, or who advocate a communist system, or who favor wealth redistribution. Lots of general silliness.

But there are, again, legitimate grievances which need to be given attention.

  • A larger and larger portion of American prosperity is going to the ultra-rich, at the expense of the middle and lower classes. The 1% have commandeered the American Dream.
  • Trickle-down is a myth. What we’ve seen for the past 30 years is trickle-up.
  • The middle class is being decimated. Jobs that once led to a comfortable retirement no longer do.
  • Our system unduly shields the rich, enabling them to prosper even more.
  • Being ultra-rich isn’t a bad thing, but these people use their money to disproportionately influence what happens in America. They buy lobbyists who buy Congressmen, who then write legislation and design tax loopholes and engineer bailouts solely to benefit the ultra-rich.

It’s easy for MSNBC to find elements in the Tea Party to ridicule. And it’s easy for FoxNews to do the same thing to the Occupy Wall Street people. But both movements have valid things to say. It’s hard hearing the good stuff amidst all the surrounding Looney Tunes, but we shouldn’t out-of-hand write them off just because our preferred pundits say we should, or because somebody spotlighted in a news report is clearly a nutjob.

I’m ready for the Tea Party to go away, just as, soon, I’ll be ready for the Occupy folks to fade into the background. But I hope that, in both cases, their legitimate grievances remain entrenched in our minds and in the political agenda.

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The Consistency of the “Family Values Party”

Rudy Giuliani has come out in favor of Newt Gingrich, and Donald Trump is certainly leaning that way. Something these 3 men have in common: 3 wives. And when it comes to their current wives, they all prefer younger women.

  • Newt is 23 years older than Callista.
  • Donald is 28 years older than Melania.
  • Rudy is 10 years older than Judith.

In 2008, Republicans chose as their nominee John McCain, who is 18 years older than Cindy (his second marriage).

Welcome to the Family Values party.

Is Newt really who Republicans want as their nominee?

On the other hand, the other candidates have had just one spouse apiece–Romney, Santorum, Paul, Cain, Huntsman, Bachman, Perry.


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