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Chris Wallace with the Romneys

Chris Wallace (left) eating pancakes with the Romneys.

Chris Wallace did a good job interviewing the Romneys on Fox News Sunday on August 26. I liked the dynamics I saw between Mitt and Ann–she freely interrupting, not deferring to Mitt, good banter. Looked to me like a healthy marriage of equals.

I see the same with the Obamas. I didn’t with the McCains.

Wallace spent time with the Romneys at one of their homes. I think this one was in New Hampshire. Mitt and Ann made pancakes, and talked about their down-hominess. It was all very positive, and I came away liking them more.

Wallace did ask some pointed questions. It wasn’t “Meet the Press,” which Mitt Romney has refused to appear on. But first in an interview just with Mitt, and to a lesser extent in the interview with Mitt and Ann together, Wallace asked questions which went well beyond being mere softballs.

When a reporter asks a tough question of a Republican (like Katie Couric asking Sarah Palin what magazines she reads), the right-wing media tends to brand you a biased liberal. Chris better watch it.

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Go Ahead and Talk about Medicare. I’m not Listening.

This may seem intellectually lame, but I’ve decided to pretty much ignore everything being said about Medicare. Both sides are demagoguing the issue, and lying about it, and the fixes both sides propose don’t happen until far down the road. I’ve decided it’s impossible for an ordinary person, like me, to understand what’s really happening–and that what actually happens probably won’t resemble what the candidates propose.

So I’m just gonna ignore it all. When I reach Medicare age (which isn’t all that far away), my attitude is: whatever it is, it is. Both parties will probably use “Mediscare” tactics for the rest of my life. So, Mitt and Barack, talk about Medicare all you want. But I’m tuning you out.

Politifact has covered statements about Medicare rather extensively. Here’s a collection of statements made by both sides, and Politifact’s determination of their truthfulness (or lack thereof).

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American Taxes Vs. the World

Here’s an interesting graphic from the Foreign Affairs website (sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations). It puts America’s level of taxes in a world perspective. There are some “But it doesn’t take into account…” kinds of objections, but still.

A lengthy articles, titled “America the Undertaxed: U.S. Fiscal Policy in Perspective,” accompanied the graphic. A few tidbits from the article.

  • We’ve heard that the US has the highest corporate tax rates in the developed world. The article confirms that, at a 39% rate. But with all the tax breaks and credits and other bookkeeping tricks we allow, the effective rate is an average of 13%, the lowest among the G-7 countries.
  • The amount of total US income going to the top 1% of earners increased from 9% in 1970 to 23.5% in 2007. They earn 20% of all income, but hold over 30% of all wealth. The next highest is Germany, where the top 1% earn just 11% of the country’s total income. So the disparity is severe in the US, and prosperity which once went to the middle class now goes to the very rich.
  • The article deals at length with income inequality and the things we’ve built into the tax code to specifically benefit the rich. The article says we have the highest poverty rate among rich nations.
  • According to Paul Ryan’s budget plan, 62% of the spending reductions would affect low-income households (government programs being cut), and low-income households would also face higher federal taxes because of a reduction in the Earned Income Tax Credit.
  • Meanwhile, persons earning over $1 million would get a tax cut of $265,000, on top of the Bush tax cuts already in place. This from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
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A Curse on Both Houses

An interesting perspective from veteran reporter Michael Scherer on Time’s Swampland blog about the ugly political ads on both sides. It’s not an entirely satisfying observation, and it raises additional ethical questions and stuff that would be interesting to discuss. But still, it’s a thought-provoking observation which rings true to me, though simultaneously distasteful. Scherer, whose writing I’ve liked for some years now, also offers the beginnings of a solution.

“Let us just assume the following: Both politicians in the current race employ political professionals who are paid to use the most effective tactics in their business, often with little regard to ethical abstractions like fairness and honesty. This does not mean that neither candidate has a moral core. It only means that the behavior of his campaign is a poor gauge of his core and that both men, as presidential aspirants, have made peace with the idea that stretching the truth is a basic requirement of the game at this level.

“Now, this does not mean that the fibbing is acceptable. But if we remove the outrage, or at least minimize it, then maybe we can focus not just on the deceptions of the guy we don’t like but also on the deceptions of the guy we like. For in the end, there is only one thing that will force these candidates, their campaigns and supporters to hue a straighter line: Their own constituencies must object.”

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Excuses for the Not-So-Well Kept Home

For all of us whose homes are not usually tidy and ready for unexpected visitors: here’s one I’ve never thought of using. It comes from the late great Phyllis Diller: “If your house is really a mess and a stranger comes to the door, greet them with, ‘Who could have done this? We have no enemies.'” Diller, of course, is more famous for the line, “Housework won’t kill you, but then again, why take the chance?” (With apologies to Mom.)

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A Late-Night Revelation

ABC is moving Jimmy Kimmel into the 11:30 slot to compete directly with Leno and Letterman, and moving Nightline an hour later. Which was a shock to me, because I had to realize: What? Nightline is still on? Who knew?

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Long Lost Treasure

A Tennessee man rummaging in his attic found a taped interview his father had conducted with Martin Luther King, Jr., back in 1960. King talked about the definition of nonviolence: “It is a method which seeks to secure a moral end through moral means, and it grows out of the whole concept of love, because if one is truly nonviolent that person has a loving spirit, he refuses to inflict injury upon the opponent because he loves the opponent.”

A moral end through moral means. As opposed to the more common attitude of “The end justifies the means.”

I’m thinking about ways that might apply to wars and political campaigns and social action and business practices and church life, especially the part about refusing to inflict injury upon an opponent. Sometimes we can believe so strongly in the rightness of our cause that we’re willing to take moral and ethical shortcuts to get there.

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Can’t Be Done

JetBlue is reducing the legroom on coach seats. Thinking of the last time I flew: is a reduction even possible? I had to store my legs in the overhead bin.

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Weird Political Domain Names

Domain names for sale, according to GoDaddy:

  • ($9000)
  • ($12)
  • ($800)
  • ($100)
  • romneyrocks ($600)
  • ($9)
  • ($200)
  • ($999)
  • ($50)
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Todd Akin Will Not be Moved

John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Reince Preibus, and various others have called for Todd Akin to give up his Senate race in Missouri, and outside funding groups have pulled their support. Kudos for these Republicans. Even extremists like Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and Michelle Malkin agree that Akin needs to go.

But Akin says he’s staying in, and that, “By taking this stand, this is going to strengthen our country.” Can you spell e-g-o?

Akin put out an apology video saying, “Fact is, rape can lead to pregnancy.” Has anyone, EVER, had to publicly state that they do actually believe rape can cause pregnancy? One note of consolation: Stewart and Colbert are off this week.

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