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Not Having Enough to Eat Isn’t the Problem


For the first time on a global scale, being overweight has become more of a health problem than lack of nutrition. This comes from a massive study involving 500 scientists in 50 countries. Some results:

  • More disease is resulting from people being fat and eating too much, than from people having too little to eat.
  • People are living longer, but in worse health and with more disability.
  • We’ve conquered many deadly disease, but people are suffering more from ailments that won’t necessarily kill you (neck and back pain, mental disorders, substance abuse).
  • One-fourth of all deaths come from strokes and heart disease, which can often be traced to being overweight.
  • The death rate among children under age 5 has dropped 60% since 1990.

(From an article on the New Scientist website.)

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Shadow of the KGB


The second 007 movie, “From Russia With Love,” was shown in the White House theater on November 21, 1963, when the president was in Fort Worth, Texas. The next day, in Dallas, Kennedy was assassinated. Sounds ominous. Yet, despite applying my substantial analytical powers, I find no significance to it. Nevertheless–I report, you decide.

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An Unlikely Analogy


Many years ago, I listened to a cassette teaching tape by Jill Briscoe. She was talking about empowering the laity. She said pastors and wives too often do things themselves, because they figure they can do it better than any of the available volunteers. But that’s the wrong approach. She said something like this:

“If they can’t do it well, let them do it poorly.”

This principle, believe it or not, actually came to my mind with the sequester. A result of crossed synapses firing simultaneously.

We know we need to cut federal spending. But the White House, the Senate, and the House are afraid to make spending cuts because it might cost them votes. Which, of course, would trigger the Apocalypse.

The sequester took it out of their hands. It’s an irresponsible way to make cuts, but it’s apparently the only ways cuts will get made.

We’re a couple days into the sequester, and we’ve now experienced two record-setting days on Wall Street. So I’m wondering if the principle is:

“If they can’t reduce spending responsibly, let them do it irresponsibly.”

Or, as Larry the Cable Guy would say, “Just git r done.”

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For Goodness Sake


This morning I ran my snowblower for only the second time this year. The snow was VERY deep. I was pooped out after doing our own driveway, but then I headed over to our elderly neighbors’ house to do their drive and walk. I don’t know the technical term for the next level beyond “pooped out,” but I was definitely there. Several levels beyond there, actually.

I think I met my “good deed” quota for the week. I realize that, by announcing my good deed before men (and women) on Facebook, I am sacrificing any heavenly reward. But I’ll settle for a few “Likes.”

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Let’s Book the Sistine Chapel

sistine chapel ceiling panorama

It must be pretty cool to have a conversation like this:

“We’ve got a bunch of people coming in for a big meeting.”

“Where should we meet?”

“I don’t know. How about the Sistine Chapel?”

Pam and I visited the Sistine Chapel in 2000, on a two-week trip that started with the Oberammergau Passion Play and ended with a week-long tour of Italy. The Sistine Chapel was amazing. I imagine the cardinals, as they work on selecting a new Pope, spend a lot of the time just staring at the ceiling and walls. That’s why it takes them so long to reach a decision.

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Please Hold for Dear Leader


Dennis Rodman, our blinged-out Mr. Ambassador, became the first American to meet Kim Jong-un since he became the new leader of North Korea. Rodman says “he wants Obama to do one thing, call him.” Unfortunately, the phones have not been working in Washington DC for several months. The President, John Boehner, and Harry Reid are unable to call each other, let alone place a call to North Korea. Verizon expects to have the problem fixed sometime after the 2014 mid-term election.

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Much Ado

About this sequester thing: there’s a part of me which, the more I hear the administration cry “Doomsday!”, the more I wonder if it might turn out more like YTK. That is, nothing much happens. We just end up with lots of basements full of freeze-dried food and stockpiled ammo.

The feds obviously need to cut spending, but nobody’s up to the task. So maybe, if they can’t cut spending responsibly, let them cut it irresponsibly.

On the other hand, this may turn out to be one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever said.

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Cheers! to Our Railroad Graffiti Artists!

I’d like to give a big “Thank You!” to all the nameless scofflaws who spray-paint artwork on railroad cars. I never get tired of looking at it (and there’s not much else you can do at a railroad crossing). This is some highly creative artwork, an all-American platform, and there really needs to be a museum for it. How you get it there without tearing apart railroad cars, I don’t know. But anyway–thank you, anonymous artists, for making a little piece of life more interesting.

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Obama and the Seussquester

seussquesterThe article “Obama and the Seussquester,” tells the story of the sequester in the language of Dr. Seuss. It comes from the Heritage Foundation, which is now headed by Tea Party favorite Jim DeMint, so you know it’s going to blame Obama for everything. Which it pretty much does. But hey–it’s FUN TO READ.

The Democrats, for their part, spin everything against Republicans. Both sides wander into alternate realities as they cast blame. But with this cute article by Amy Payne, Republicans totally destroy Democrats in the Spin Game. This is spin that, albeit not exactly intellectually honest, is nevertheless fun and creative. And, I should add, mostly dead-on accurate.

My only read gripe is that it’s written in prose, rather than in verse format. But enough with quibbles and nits.

So it is out of respect for Amy Payne’s creativity that I provide this link. And I expect my many conservative Facebook friends to gleefully share it with reckless abandon.

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Oblivious Drivers

So this morning I’m heading west on Aboite Center, and toward me is coming an ambulance–lights flashing, siren blaring. The ambulance reaches the intersection at Homestead Road. All around the intersection, cars are stopped, as they should be. And then, just as the ambulance is ready to enter the intersection on a red light, an SUV headed south crosses RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT.

I was stunned. And I wondered: what prevented that driver from seeing the ambulance? From seeing the lights flashing? From hearing the siren? There are multiple possible answers.

A couple years ago, at that same intersection, I saw the same thing happen with a firetruck. An oblivious teenage guy forced the firetruck to come to a stop at the intersection.

All of which is an advertisement for defensive driving. If people aren’t noticing sirens and flashing lights and other cars stopped along the road, how are they going to notice my ordinary vehicle doing nothing special?

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