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Popcorn Trivia

Treat yourself to some popcorn…trivia.

  • Before the 1930s, most popcorn sold was white. Today–only 10%.
  • Movie theater owners preferred yellow popcorn for two reasons: it expanded more when popped (more volume per kernel), and it naturally looked more buttered (requiring that they use less real butter).
  • The theater preference spilled over to stores, with people wanting popcorn “like in the movie theater.”
  • Popcorn remains the top money-maker for movie theaters–an estimated 85% profit. Popcorn accounts for about 46% of theater profits.
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No Vegetables Allowed

Code Nazis alive and well in Florida. A couple dug up their frontyard garden, which they’ve tended for 17 years, after a new zoning ordinance specifically prohibited vegetables from appearing in front yards. Just vegetables. Fruit, trees, and pink flamingoes are still okay. The fine would have been $50 per day.

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Grammar Class: Active vs. Passive Verbs

Today, class, we’ll talk about passive vs. active verbs.

Passive verbs are forms of “to be.” Examples: is, are, was, were, have, had, will. They contain no action.

Good writers prefer active verbs. It’s a tell-tale sign. They still use passive verbs, but the balance tilts heavily toward active verbs.

(I do remember editing freelance manuscripts by writers who had probably just learned this principle, and used active verbs exclusively. Their writing sounded unnatural. It’s fine to use passive verbs in moderation.)

A strong, active verb not only imparts action, but can make modifiers and phrases unnecessary. You show more action with fewer words, and create better pictures in the reader’s mind.

Two examples:

The pastor was in a hurry during his sermon.
The pastor rushed through his sermon.

Dan was walking slowly across the room.
Dan sauntered across the room.

You are dismissed. Or: I hereby dismiss you.

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2013 Champ: Selfie


“Selfie” is the top new word of 2013, according to the Oxford Dictionaries. It’s a photo you take of yourself (usually on a cell phone).

Following close behind were:

  • Twerk. Thank you, Miley Cyrus, for popularizing this move.
  • Binge-watch: viewing a bunch of TV episodes in one sitting.
  • Showrooming: looking at a product in a store, then buying it cheaper online (which describes the relationship between Best Buy and Amazon).

I have never, to my knowledge, twerked. However, I’ve taken a few selfies (usually while holding our cat, Jordi). Pam and I occasionally binge-watch. And I admit to showrooming, most frequently at Barnes & Noble.

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“Christmas” is for People Not Ashamed of Jesus

Fellow Christ-followers, we have entered that time of year when we ramp up our evangelistic efforts, shining our light for nonChristians to see. Here are some basic evangelistic techniques to apply during the next six weeks.

  • Insist that December belongs exclusively to Christianity, and that no other faiths have holidays during December.
  • Denounce the use of “Happy holidays” wherever it occurs.
  • Even references to “the holidays” should be denounced. There is only one holiday during December (unless you’re a True Patriot who counts Pearl Harbor Day).
  • Criticize any pronouncements from business or government entities that do not specifically mention Christmas. We can’t tolerate such anti-Christian behavior.
  • Repost lots of Facebook graphics, designed by people you don’t know, which sanctimoniously proclaim your courageous devotion to the term “Christmas.”
  • Even though American society has pretty much extended the Christmas season to the beginning of November, insist that there is a societal War on Christmas.

In this way, a watching world will see our zeal and say, “That is so cool! I want to be a Christian too!”

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Punctuation as Pause

Today, class, let’s consider a way to view punctuation.

Early in my career, I was taught to think of some punctuation in terms of pauses. Punctuation is a tool with many uses. But the pause thing imparts rhythm, helping the reader know how you want the piece to be read.

  • A comma is a short pause.
  • A semi-colon is a moderate pause.
  • A period is a longer pause.
  • A new paragraph signals a potty break.

Formal, technical, or in-depth publications tend to use more punctuation, especially commas. The New Yorker, academic journals–you spend some time chewing on those articles. Commas, semi-colons, and periods not only help separate key thoughts, but let you pause to catch your breath.

On the other hand, a high-end business newsletter targeted to busy executives will use short, emphatic sentences with minimal punctuation. Likewise with ads. That way, readers can skim the content without being slowed down by a bunch of pauses.

There are many nuances and exceptions, but it’s generally applicable (as I’ve experienced during the past 30 years).

Class dismissed. Which requires a period.

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NFL as a Non-Profit

Did you know the NFL is a nonprofit business? That’s right. Each year, the 32 teams collectively pay $250 million in “membership dues.” That’s tax-exempt money. The NFL office, as a nonprofit trade association, supposedly exists only to organize and promote football. Roger Goodell, as commissioner, gets a salary of just under $30 million. Not bad for the nonprofit world.

The NFL earns $9 billion a year from TV contracts, jersey sales, and other revenue sources. That money gets funneled back to the teams, where it CAN be taxed by the IRS.

Major League Baseball had a similar tax exemption for its league office, but gave it up in 2007. The NBA has never been tax exempt.

The National Hockey League has a tax exemption like the NFL. But let’s face it–hockey probably needs it.

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Do We All Feel Safer Now?


A few minutes ago, I went through the carry-on bag I used for our trip to Miami this week. I use the bag frequently for various needs. As I looked in the bottom of one zipped pocket, I about had a coronary.

There was this 4.5-inch (closed), all metal box cutter. The weapon of choice on 9/11. I had no idea it was there, or when I stuck it in the bag.

The box cutter went through security TWICE. With me standing right there, beltless and shoeless.

By all appearances, I am not in jail wearing an orange jumpsuit.

Do we all feel safer now?

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Tallest Building? Or Not?

The new World Trade Center claims to be the tallest US building, at 1776 feet. That makes it 300 feet taller than the Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) in Chicago. But the last 400 feet is a metal spire. Should that count?

No, say people who insist Chicago should retain the Tallest Building title. The glass observation deck on the Willis Tower is higher than the top floor of One World Trade Center.

I agree. A spire, even if it’s an integral part of the design (as opposed to an antenna) is cheating. Chicago remains Number 1. What say ye?

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Jack Nicholson in the Locker Room

Sports and film crossed wires in my brain, random synapses fired, and out came the following.

Richie Incognito responds:

Son, we play in a game that has lines, and those lines have to be guarded by men–big, mean, rough men. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Mike Greenberg?

I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Jonathan Martin and you curse the Dolphins. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know, that bullying Jonathan Martin, though unseemly, probably saved quarterbacks.

And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, is good for football. You don’t want the truth, because deep down in places you don’t talk about at Super Bowl parties, you want me on that line. You need me on that line.

We use words like “teamwork,” “concussion,” “trash-talk.” We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending quarterbacks. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a person who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very entertainment that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it! I would rather you just said “thank you” and changed the channel. Otherwise, I suggest you put on shoulder pads and crouch across from a mean, hulking defensive end. Either way, I don’t give a rip how you think I should act!

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