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The Jews, the Nazis, and Business as Usual

jews-streetI’ve been somewhat haunted for several years by the book “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account.” Not so much by the book itself (which is incredible), but by the words of Bruno Bettehheim in the Forward, which by itself was well worth the price of admission. He raised ideas I had never considered.

Bettehheim, a Jew, survived Dachau and Buchenwald. He brutally criticized the “business as usual” attitude of Jews who offered little or no resistance, and skewered such sainted figures as the Ann Frank family. It was 70 years ago today that Ann Frank was arrested.

In Buchenwald, Bettelheim said he asked hundreds of German Jews why they didn’t leave Germany when they had the chance.

“Their answer was: How could we leave? It would have meant giving up our homes, our places of business. Their earthly possessions had so taken possession of them that they could not move; instead of using them, they were run by them….For a long time the intention of the Nazis was to force undesirable minorities, such as the Jews, into emigration. Only when this did not work was the extermination policy instituted.”

In Poland, he said, many Jews left everything and fled to Russia…and survived. In Holland, where the Franks lived, thousands fled the country or took up arms in the underground. Those who didn’t want to give up the lives they had built ended up dead—“suicidal behavior” in Bettelheim’s opinion.

The Ann Frank story, he said, is a perfect example of “business as usual.”

“All the Franks wanted was to go on with life as much as possible in the usual fashion. Little Anne, too, wanted only to go on with life as usual, and nobody can blame her. But hers was certainly not a necessary fate, much less a heroic one; it was a senseless fate. The Franks could have faced the facts and survived, as did many Jews living in Holland…But for that she would have had to be separated from her parents and gone to live with a Dutch family as their own child. Everybody who recognized the obvious knew that the hardest way to go underground was to do it as a family; that to hide as a family made detection by the SS most likely.”

But instead of recognizing the need for extreme action, the Franks tried to preserve the family togetherness to which they were accustomed. At the least, Bettelheim said, they could have armed themselves and shot one or two SS before being hauled away. “There was no surplus of SS men. The loss of an SS with every Jew arrested would have noticeably hindered the functioning of the police state….They could have sold their lives dearly instead of walking to their death.”

The play ends with Anne stating her belief in the good in all men. But this, Bettelheim argues, is what got them killed. They needed to accept the reality of the gas chambers, of the existence of pure evil around them, and take drastic action accordingly. Instead, they clung to life as they had known it.

He says that when Jews, like the Franks, waited passively for the SS to knock on their doors, it was the first step in a voluntary walk into the crematoria.

I can make a leap to the Christian life. Jesus told the disciples that following him would be far, far from “business as usual.” Am I so enamored with the life I lead that I’m unwilling to give it up so I can flee to something better, if God directs me so?

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Dear news organizations: You can stop sending me News Alerts about a ceasefire agreement, followed a few hours (or minutes) later by a News Alert that the ceasefire has been violated. A simple “Ditto” will suffice.

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Movie: August: Osage County

Last night, Pam and I watched “August: Osage County,” with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts (among other stars). Yes, superb performances. However, absolutely nothing redeeming about the movie.

No major characters worth admiring.

No positive changes in anyone’s behavior or thinking.

No indication that anything at all changes for the better from the beginning to the end of the movie.

Just a totally dysfunctional family going through their dysfunctional motions.

All it did was made me pray, “Lord, thank you that I don’t belong to a family like that.”

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Through a Wormhole Darkly

I subscribe to Bookbub, which sends me a daily list of free and inexpensive epub books to download. Today’s email includes a Christian fiction book with a plot which just made me want to laugh out loud (but I didn’t).

A mad scientist builds a time machine and, gun in hand, goes back to 57 AD to kill the Apostle Paul. A woman archaeologist gets sucked back in time, too. Can she save the Apostle Paul? Sure, the guy had been beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, and everything else. But can he survive a 21st century mad scientist with a six-shooter?

The book is “City of God” by R. S. Ingermanson. I’m sure it contains some deep theological truths which would revolutionize my spiritual life. But I think I’ll skip it.

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Beyond Boring Church Names

Our missionaries in Thailand are attending a Thai church called Cool Shade of Life (or at least, that’s the English translation). No American would come up with such a great name. We’re stuck on such names as New Hope, Fellowship, Calvary, Trinity, Faith, Grace, etc. “Cool Shade of Life” definitely has an East Asian feel to it. I’ll bet a name like that would draw a crowd in Arizona.

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Christians Coexisting in a Pluralistic Society

We evangelical Christians often feel that our moral views should prevail throughout society. But for me, American pluralism is a huge issue. So while my fellow Christians may oppose any kind of gay bond, whether civil unions or marriage, I’m totally open to that. People can oppose it within the church, but easily coexist with it in society.

Atheists, Jews, Muslims, occultists, gays, and other minority entities are accustomed to coexisting with Christians. But we Christians have been the overwhelmingly dominant religious group throughout America’s history, and with that has come political clout. It’s difficult to back off from a position of power.

An article on was helpful. Toward the end, the author (a law professor) talked about pluralism–“the idea that, in a society that lacks a shared vision of a deeply held common good, we can and must live with deep differences among groups and their beliefs, values, and identities.” He says pluralism requires three things:

  1. Tolerance: A willingness to coexist with genuine differences, including profound moral disagreements.
  2. Humility: An openness to hearing others’ beliefs about right and wrong, recognizing that our own beliefs, no matter how deeply held, may not be entirely correct.
  3. Patience: A willingness to resolve contested moral questions through persuasion, rather than coercion…and persuasion takes time.
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Why Youth Stay with the Church

I get weary with Christian articles crafted from a negative viewpoint: “How to Turn Off People to the Gospel,” or “Five Reasons Why People Leave the Church.” So it was refreshing to see this title: “3 Common Traits of Youth Who Don’t Leave the Church.” That’s an article I wanted to read. Here are the three points:

1. They are Converted. They aren’t just “good kids,” but are truly new creations in Christ. “It is converted students who go on to love Jesus and serve the church.”

2. They have been equipped, not entertained. “After conversion, it is our Christ-given duty to help fan into flame a faith that serves, leads, teaches, and grows. If our students leave high school without Bible-reading habits, Bible-study skills, and strong examples of discipleship and prayer, we have lost them.”

3. Their parents preached the gospel to them. In general, kids from Christian homes stay with the church. Just a fact. Obviously, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t work with kids from nonChristian homes. But it’s tougher.

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Too Close to Home


Now I’m really weirded out. While in Pennsylvania on vacation, I bought a pair of shoes at an outlet store. This morning, my Facebook newsfeed shows a sponsored ad from the Amazon Shoe Store picturing shoes in the EXACT same style I bought in Pennsylvania. My Amazon account does use the same credit card I used to buy those shoes. There’s no other way Amazon could know I bought shoes like that. It COULD just be coincidence. But…I really doubt it. This is getting too personal.

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Two quotes worth considering in this day when evangelical Christians are so intertwined with Republican politics.

“We as a church have become spiritually lazy, substituting aggressive culture-war tactics for the generous, self-sacrificing humility Jesus taught and modeled. Cultural aggression is easier, and it allows us to think we’re still ‘not of this wold,’ even as we use worldly strategies to get our way.” (Justin Lee, “Torn”)

Philip Yancey tells of asking airplane seatmates what the words “evangelical Christian” bring to mind. “Mostly I hear political descriptions: of strident pro-life activists, or gay-rights opponents, or proposals for censoring the Internet…. Not once–not ONCE–have I heard a description redolent of grace. Apparently that is not the aroma Christians give off in the world.”

Because evangelical Christians have so closely aligned with conservative politics, I suspect way too may nonChristians lump us all together as narrow-minded, Obama-trashing, immigrant-hating, gay-bashing, science-denying, poor-despising, FoxNews-worshiping, war-mongering, and generally government-hating zealots.

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Theology Off the Top of My Head


Earlier this year, I developed what seems to be a cowlick–a small patch of hair that just won’t lay down properly. I can splash some water on it and smooth it down. But I’m torn by two theological issues which inform my response.

1. Is this just the way God made me? And God doesn’t make mistakes? If so, I should embrace, yes celebrate, the cowlick. It is part of my identity in Christ.

2. Is this just an example of the fallen world in which we live? Surely God didn’t make Adam with a cowlick. When sin entered the world, so did cancer and polio and all manner of evil, including cowlicks. In which case, I should force it into submission with water or even some nasty gel, if not shave my head entirely.

Scripture is unclear regarding how I should respond. I seek godly counsel.

(Oh, and while I’m on the subject–what’s with all the gray?)

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