Garage Sale? Or Bake Sale?

Mom and Dad had a big garage sale on Friday and Saturday. Pam took over a bunch of stuff from her Dad’s estate, and my niece Paula had gobs of stuff there. Plus Mom and Dad’s stuff.

But the star of the sale was Mom’s cookies. She made 55 dozen cookies. That’s 660 cookies. Sugar, peanut butter, and monster (basically, sugar and M&Ms). Many people who came Friday came back on Saturday to get more cookies. Two ladies even came twice on Saturday. Neighbors in the addition would get some cookies, then send someone else to get more.

So while Dad, Pam, and I were outside selling stuff, Mom was in the kitchen baking cookies. On Saturday morning, she got up at 2:30 to make cookies. Oh yes–she also has several pounds of homemade noodles, but they sold out quickly on Friday.

Mom’s been doing the garage sale thing for probably four years now, always making cookies. So she has a reputation. If there’s a garage sale, it means Gloria Dennie has cookies. If you bake them, they will come.

Pam and I, by the way, have a dozen peanut butter and a dozen monster cookies here. So much for dieting.

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