From the War on Christmas Front

Some of the best writing about my faith appears in the Huffington Post. I know, HuffPost is evil, a bastion of liberalism. That’s what conservatives are told. But in reality, though it’s predominantly progressive in outlook, HuffPost provides a platform for a wide spectrum of views.

A few days ago, they published an excellent article for a United Church of Christ minister called, “On Keeping Christ in Christmas.” An excerpt:

“There are still those who believe Christmas is under attack. I think they’re right. But I don’t think stores who have ‘holiday sales’ are the attackers. I don’t think it’s towns that remove Nativity scenes from parks. I don’t believe it’s public schools that insist that Jewish and Muslim and Buddhist kids not be asked to sing songs affirming a faith different from their own.

“I believe the greatest attack on Christmas has come from within. It has come from those of us who claim our greatest hope comes from the fact that God became a person of goodness, kindness, justice, and love. And who then act nothing like that person did….In short, keep Christ in Christmas by acting like Christians.”

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