Being a Communications Director, I really needed to get aboard the smartphone express. I was missing out on all kinds of communications stuff, not to mention the ability to post work-related stuff from practically anywhere.
So over the weekend, I got an iPhone 3GS. And I must say: this thing is amazing. And it syncs so nicely with my desktop Mac–contacts, photos, email accounts, databases, you-name-it.
I had never done texting before on my old phone. So yesterday I sent my niece Paula, home with her newborn Owen, a text. She replied very quickly. Said texting can be addicting.
It’s great to be able to Twitter from anywhere. I’ve even posted a couple photos to TwitPic directly from my iPhone. Pix of my cats, of course.
The array of downloadable apps is incredible. For news, my favorite is the USA Today app. The Facebook app does great at checking status messages. I’ve got nearly 50 apps so far, most of them freebies.
We use DeliciousLibrary to catalog our home library of about 1500 books. A neat little app enabled me to move the entire library to the iPhone. Now, if I ever wonder, “Do I already have this book?”, I can just consult my iPhone.
I may even use the iPhone to make phone calls.