Facebook Religious Views

On your Facebook profile, you can list your “Religious Views.” Mine, for a long time, has said, “Evangelical Christian, but not a jerk about it.”

I stumbled across one of my Facebook friends (that would be you, Dusty), who had this for his religious views: “Jesus, minus the crap.” I liked that.

With free time on my hands, I decided to check the Religious Views of my other Facebook friends, most of whom are Christians of pretty much the same stripe as me. Many just put something basic, like “Christian” or “Christ follower.” But others got more creative. Here are some:

  • It’s about truth, so it’s about Jesus
  • I’m a Christian, because I’m in desperate need of a Savior, and Jesus is the only one.
  • In my best moments I trust Jesus deeply.
  • Nothing but Jesus!
  • Right Wing Evangelical Republican Wacko.
  • Christian – Church of Christ: A fundamentalist with his eye on Matt. 25:40. [I’ll spare you having to look it up: “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”]
  • Deeply committed Christian.
  • Jesus loves me this I know.
  • Working on believing in and behaving like Jesus.
  • I am C, I am a CH, I am a CHRISTIAN….and so on.
  • Totally Jesus.
  • A personal God who transforms lives.
  • Unabashedly Lutheran (but reasonably so…)
  • Christian, lunatic fringe.
  • John 3:30 “He must become great, and I must become less.”

I also looked up the “Political Views” of my Facebook friends. I’ll mention some of those next.

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