Dreams of Unwanted Upper Mobility

Three times during my 40 years working at the national office, I have dreamed that I became a bishop. I remember the number of times, because these are very scary dreams–for me, and for the future of United Brethrenism. If you work in business, perhaps you have a scary dream about becoming a district manager or CEO. If academia, about becoming the college president or, worse, a philosophy professor. For me, it’s becoming a bishop.

The third dream occurred just last night. After being selected, I met with church leaders and said, “Let me tell you about myself.” I then began telling them all the reasons why it was a really bad idea for me to be bishop, beginning with my speaking abilities and proceeding through my lack of Bible training. Then I reached the fact that I wasn’t ordained–a basic requirement for being bishop. At that point I realized I was dreaming, and I woke up.

It was a great relief. All was still right with my world.

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