Cyber Attacks

Tonite, 60 Minutes did a superb extended segment on cyber-terrorism–the ability to use the internet to inflict damage on the United States (and other countries). For instance, take out the electrical grid, or cause a collapse of the economic system. We’ve integrated the internet into so many vital parts of American life, and that offers many opportunities for geeky meddling.

In his excellent book “The Inheritance,” David Sanger finished with three chapters (14-16) in a section he called “The Three Vulnerabilities.” These were scary chapters, showing how vulnerable we are to three specific types of attacks: nuclear, biological, and cyber. Chapter 16 was about cyber-attacks.

Sanger reveals incidents from the Bush years that most of us haven’t heard about. His opening chapter tells about our success in penetrating Iran’s internet system to learn nuclear secrets. We also altered data and databases on a computer used by Al Qaeda operatives, which helped lure them into a trap. When it comes to cyber stuff, nobody’s better than the USA.

In cyberwar, Sanger points out, “Attackers have almost all of the advantages. They get to pick from thousands of possible attacks. Defenders have to protect against everything, including attacks they can’t imagine.”

Interestingly, while the Chinese are the second-most sophisicated when it comes to cyber-attacks (the US is the best), they are considered somewhat deterred. “If the cash registers at Wal-Mart flip off, it’s only a matter of time before China’s exports take a hit. If the markets freeze up, it’s going to be hard for the Chinese finance ministry to sell off their American treasury bills.”

So if they damage our economy, they damage their own. That’s the one positive aspect of being so indebted to the Chinese. An official told Sanger that they aren’t worried too much about the Chinese. “They’re deterred. It’s the rest of the world I worry about.”

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