CNN’s Show on Religion

Last night I watched CNN’s show “What Would Jesus Really Do?”, hosted by Roland Martin. It was one of the best news shows on religion I’ve ever seen, and very positive toward Christians.

Martin started by interviewing T. D. Jakes and Paula White. I’m not a fan of anyone who appears on TBN shows with Jan White in the background, but I do admire Paula White’s communication skills. She did okay, but Jakes was very impressive and definitely has gravitas.

Martin next interviewed Jerry Falwell, then a black pastor from Texas, and finally, Rick Warren. Warren has developed into a wonderful representative of evangelicals, though he doesn’t try to be their spokesperson (a role Jerry Falwell and James Dobson have seemingly tried to claim over the years).

Martin asked each person a version of this question: “If Jesus were alive and walking around today, where would he be focusing his attention? What would he be doing?”

Each person gave it a twist based on his own interests. Warren said, “I think Jesus would be hanging around people with AIDS. Jesus spent time with lepers, and people with AIDS are the lepers of today.”

Warren also said he believes it’s a sin to die rich; that money is something to be used for God’s glory, not hoarded.

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