Category Archives: General silliness

Delinquent Blogger

For the untold thousands of surfers who eagerly check Whatever every day, perhaps even every hour, anticipating with demented abandon the chance to fondle the latest pieces of random Dennie brain debris–I apologize. I’ve been fully focused on some other creative projects, really energized, and it seems that blogging doesn’t weigh heavily enough to force its way onto my priority list. I’m not sure what that means, but that’s the way it is.

Anyway, let me catch up on a few things.

  • I’m really fascinated by the whole Pope successor thing. This is a pretty momentous thing. Tonight when I get home, I’m sure the Pope will be on the covers of both Time and Newsweek, which typically arrive on Tuesdays. My favorite day.
  • Go Illinois. Oops. Well, it was a good try. Why couldn’t they do to NC what they did to my Arizona Wildcats? Actually, I guess they did, in terms of making a comeback. They just didn’t hit the final nail.
  • Nearly every day someone asks me, “So what’s the denomination going to do?” I hear all kinds of things, sentiments this way and that way. I haven’t yet encountered anyone who is really jazzed about doing away with the conferences and replacing it with a cluster system. Most of the concerns focus around leadership–do we have enough people not only able, but willing, to be cluster leaders? Willing to be, as most people characterize it, little superintendents? Lots of questions. Not a lot of hot emotion one way or the other.
  • Oh, come to think of it, there’s all kinds of great stuff I could be talking about. But alas, I need to head home. There’s a ping-pong tournament on the east side tonight, as there always is the first Tuesday of the month. I’m feeling like I’ll have a good evening. I’ll probably be disappointed. But excuse me, I need to go home and clean my Butterfly rubber.
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Nothing of Consequence

My goodness, I’ve been gone a while. A little bit under the weather this weekend.

Speaking of the weather…we got plastered Friday night. Actually, early Saturday morning. Lots of snow. But the city was ready for it, may they be praised. Lots of churches cancelled services today, but Anchor didn’t. And we had a pretty decent crowd. I guess we’re not wimps like most of the other churches around. Besides, the streets were pretty much cleared off. I’d say the other churches jumped the gun. We, obviously, are more [clears throat] spiritual.

It was Tim’s first day back in the pulpit since January 2. He took two weeks off after the birth of his twin boys on January 5. Nice to have him back. He’s speaking for a few weeks on the general theme of “when bad things happen.” Tim’s had badder things than most, with two younger brothers dying way too young. He’s tying into the tsunami, mudslides, Joanna’s mugging, and other issues within Anchor, trying to give guidance on “why bad things happen.” Should be good and timely.

This past week, I’ve had two fellow parishoners ask me how the October vote went. I guess word didn’t get out to them. I told them that the vote to join our denomination with the Missionary Church failed. They were deeply disappointed, as I still am. Still personally convinced that the United Brethren church lost a huge opportunity in our best long-term interests. But life goes on, though it doesn’t always get better.

New England won. As predicted. Philadelphia won. As predicted. New England will win the Super Bowl again. Ho hum.

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Turning 48

Another birthday yesterday. Doesn’t seem to have affected me any. The big 5-0 is just two years around the bend. Thus far, none of the biggies (30, 40) have bothered me, but I kinda think 50 will. Maybe not.

Pam got me some Christian CDs, a sweatshirt, and box of DeBrands truffles (yum!). We went to a movie, then to Red Lobster. Pam’s not a fish fan, so we normally don’t go there. But hey–it’s my birthday.

The movie was “Friday Night Lights.” It was one of the best movies I’ve seen this year–a Texas version of Hoosiers, focusing on high school football. The cinematography was very different, with lots of fast editing cuts. Billy Bob Thornton was the only recognizable actor, though country singer Tim McGraw had a major role (a boozing father of one of the players). McGraw was very good.

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