Category Archives: General silliness

Dumped Like a Dog

Most people like dogs. I’d love to have a dog, but we have cats because they fit our lifestyle; they don’t require the attention that a dog needs.

Studies (yes, they’ve done studies) show that Republicans prefer dogs over cats. However, President Trump doesn’t care for dogs, says he doesn’t have time for a dog, and that’s okay.

However, he frequently refers to dogs on Twitter…and almost always in a negative way, so it’s good he doesn’t have one. To the President, dogs are something you get rid of, that you spuriously dump. That’s the context for his numerous Twitter references to dogs.

Consider these Presidential tweets (and please, don’t take this post too seriously):

“DavidGregory got thrown off of TV by NBC, fired like a dog!”

“GlennBeck got fired like a dog by #Fox.”

“Now Sloppy Steve [Bannon] has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad!”

About Omarosa: “Good work by General [John F.] Kelly for quickly firing that dog!”

“Erik Erickson got fired like a dog from RedState.”

About a newspaper: “Union Leader refuses to comment as to why they were kicked out of the ABC News debate like a dog.”

“I hear that sleepy eyes @chucktodd will be fired like a dog from ratings starved Meet The Press?”

“George Will is perhaps the most boring political pundit on television. Got thrown off ABC like a dog.”

“Does anyone remember this @BillMaher clip when he got fired from ABC- in fact, fired like a dog!”

“Obama called Reverend Wright his friend, counselor & great leader–then dumped him like a dog!”

“Mitt Romney had his chance to beat a failed president but he choked like a dog.”

“Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog & will do it again–just watch.”

“Why is it necessary to comment on Arianna Huffington looks? Because she is a dog who wrongfully comments on me.”

“General McChrystal got fired like a dog by Obama.”

“Egypt is a total mess. We should have backed Mubarak instead of dropping him like a dog.”

“Obama called Reverend Wright his friend, counselor & great leader–then dumped him like a dog!”

“Piss on Rahm [Emmanuel]. He is just an Obama lap dog.”

“Ted Cruz lifts the Bible high into the air and then lies like a dog–over and over again!”

At some point, probably during his childhood, a dog apparently did something to deeply offend the President, and he has never gotten over it. I’m just glad he doesn’t speak ill of cats.

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A Categorical Post

Everyone’s denying stuff categorically. “I categorically deny….”

I confess: I’m a wordsmith, but I have no idea what that means. What kind of categories are they talking about? How is “I deny it” different from “I categorically deny it”?

I realize I can Google it. Some of you are rushing to do that right now, so you can post a definition in a comment as if you’ve always known what “categorically” means. Don’t do it. I don’t want to know. I am boycotting this useless knowledge. “Categorically” is some kind of elitist, high-falutin, fancy-schmancy, snooty-nosed word that pompous people trot out to sound impressive.

“I deny it.”

“I don’t believe you.”


“Oh, in that case, I believe you.”

That may work with some folks, but not me. Every time I hear the word “categorically”–and we’ll be hearing it many times in the coming days–I will not only roll my eyes, but will categorically roll my eyes.

Peter may have denied that he knew Jesus, but to his credit, he did not “categorically” deny knowing Jesus, because that would have been really bad.

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Thank You, Cyrus: Prophecy, Finally, is Fulfilled

Jeanine Pirro has apparently taken on the title of Theologian in Residence at FoxNews. She declared that by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, Donald Trump has fulfilled Bible prophecy.

It relates to Cyrus, king of Persia, who said Jerusalem should be inhabited, and formed a caravan of Jewish captives to go rebuild Jerusalem. Cyrus, according to God, had not acknowledged God (whereas Donald Trump, according to James Dobson, is a born-again Christian), and he commanded Cyrus to assemble “fugitives from the nations,” to open doors, and not shut gates (which is not in tune with Trump immigration policy). However, Theologian Pirro looks past those trivialities and sees Trump as a 21st Century version of the pagan king Cyrus.

Jerusalem actually became the capital of Israel in 1948. But THAT apparently didn’t fulfill Scripture. As American Exceptionalists know, nothing counts until the United States says it counts. Now that the US has endorsed Jerusalem as the capital, Scripture is fulfilled. Finally.

Growing up in the 1970s, I read “The Late Great Planet Earth” and other prophecy books. They all mentioned the Fig Tree prophecy from Matthew 24. As interpreted by Hal Lindsey and friends, Jesus was saying that when the nation of Israel is re-established, “this generation shall not pass” until Jesus returns. Lindsey said a biblical generation was 40 years. Therefore, Christ would return within 40 years of 1948, when Israel was re-established.

It obviously didn’t happen by 1988. Why? Well, thanks to Jeanine Pirro, we now know. Although Jerusalem became the capital in 1948, the United States hadn’t acknowledged it. Scripture is clear that the approval of the United States is needed, a fact Hal Lindsey, who lacks Jeanine Pirro’s theological credentials, conveniently chose to ignore.

So now, thanks to Donald Trump, we can finally start the clock. Within 40 years of May 2018, Christ will return. You can count on it.

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Guess Who’s Sitting Beside God?

Before the election, Pat Robertson said on CBN, “God came to me in a dream last night and showed me the future. He took me to heaven and I saw President Trump seated at the right hand of our Lord.”

Forget for the moment that, according to the Bible, Jesus is the One sitting at the right hand of God. President Trump, as we know, doesn’t play by the rules, and it’s perfectly rational to assume that a narcissist would claim the best throne in the house. But let’s put that aside and return to Robertson’s amazing dream.

Here’s what’s running through my mind. Okay, you went to heaven, and there, right in front of you, was God Himself. And what you noticed was, Hey, there’s Donald Trump! Your attention was not drawn to the Creator, but to Trump?

Rev. Robertson, tell us what God looked like. What was it like seeing the Almighty (I’m referring to God, the one on the right) sitting there right in front of you? Tell us what you saw. What was He wearing? Did He glow? Was He sitting back straight in the throne, or leaning forward? Did you look into God’s eyes?

But apparently, the only thing Pat Robertson noticed was Donald Trump. Not God, but Donald Trump. I think that’s been happening a lot lately.

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The Gun Survey Game

I received a “Gun Owner’s Action Survey” from the NRA. They, of course, don’t care about my opinions. It’s a fundraising piece and part of a membership drive, as betrayed by the final question, “Will you fight for your freedom by joining NRA today?” But the survey’s ridiculously slanted questions gave me good laugh. Here are two of them:

  • “Should Congress and the states eliminate so-called ‘gun free zones’ and leave innocent citizens defenseless against terrorists and violent criminals?”
  • “Do you oppose any United Nations treaty that strips the US of its sovereignty and gives UN diplomats the power to regulate every rifle, pistol, and shotgun you own?” (There are gullible people who think President Obama actually advocated this. I feel sorry for them.)

Of course, anti-gun groups play the same survey game. I can envision questions like this:

  • “Do you oppose letting mentally disturbed people, dressed in camo and wearing bullet-proof vests, carry sniper rifles and high-capacity machine guns into daycare centers, grade school music recitals, and church prayer meetings?”
  • “Do you oppose NRA-backed ‘stand your ground’ laws which make it perfectly legal for somebody to blow your head off if they feel offended by something you say?”
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A Merry Starbucks Christmas

Starbucks is drawing criticism from Christians for putting coffee in plain red cups bearing the Starbucks logo. Although the color indirectly calls attention to Christmas, please DO NOT commend the company, because it doesn’t go far enough–the cups do not include the word “Christmas.” This, obviously, constitutes a total rejection of our Lord.

Therefore, as Christians, we MUST CONDEMN STARBUCKS. This will cause Starbucks employees and customers across the world to want to become Christians. If Starbucks will no longer carry the banner of Christianity, then America is doomed to the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. So rise up in holy protest against Starbucks in order to fulfill the Great Commission in our lifetime!

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The Untold Danger of Time Travel

I hate to spoil every time travel movie you’ve ever seen, but your misconceptions must be corrected. For the sake of science.

When Michael J. Fox goes back in time in “Back to the Future,” he goes back to the exact same location. Just like what happens in every other time-travel movie. But the thing is, it’s NOT the exact same location. The earth, in its journey around the sun, was not in the same location in 1955 that it was in 1985. It fact, it was millions of miles away the earth’s orbit covers nearly 600 million miles).

So rather than find himself outside the Hill Valley courthouse in 1955 (or 1885 or 2015, depending on the movie), Marty McFly would actually find himself in outer space gasping for air.

This, of course, applies to the Terminator movies, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, miscellaneous Star Trek movies and TV episodes, and the entire “Time Tunnel” TV show from my childhood.

Whether you go back or forward in time, you’ll end up somewhere in the dead of space. So when somebody invites you to take a ride in their time machine, I advise caution. Just my opinion.

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If God Used Phone Triage Methods

“Dear God….”

Welcome to heaven’s reception desk. Your prayer is important to us. For requests, press 1. For thanksgiving, press 2. For adoration, press 3. For all other prayers, press 4. To hear these options again, press 9.

Press 1.

Your prayer request is important to us. Press 1 if your request relates to physical problems. Press 2 if it relates to money. Press 3 if it relates to family and friends. For all other requests, press 4.

Press 1.

Your physical needs are important to us. If this is a life-threatening situation, press 1. If not life-threatening, press 2. To return to the main menu, press 9.

Press 2.

We are currently experiencing a backlog of requests for physical problems. An angel will be available to help you in approximately [difference voice] 13 [original voice] minutes.

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Income Inequality + Sexism?

I read an alarming statistic: of America’s 67 billionaires, only 10 are women. Clearly, sexism reigns among the One Percent. I believe this calls for affirmative action. Women billionaires should receive a substantial rebate on their taxes, until such time as the numbers even out. For those who are already not paying anything in taxes, like other billionaires, they should get a tax-free subsidy to, I don’t know, buy another Lear Jet or Mediterranean island. We must fight to end this disparity.

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A Day (or Week) for Everything Under the Sun

There seems to be a national day or week for everything. In March we have Horse Protection Day (1st), Doodle Day (7th), No Smoking Day (12th), World Kidney Day (13th), Puppy Day (23rd), Purple Day (26th), Skipping Day (28th).

And then we have awareness weeks. In the upcoming months, we have National Stationery Week, Orphan Week, Sleep Awareness Week, Gardening Week, Homeopathy Awareness Week, and much more.

The religious community is missing out on some public relations opportunities. I propose:

  • Wesleyan-Arminian Awareness Week.
  • Substitutionary Atonement Day.
  • Worship Team Appreciation Day.
  • Save the Organ Week.
  • Potluck Appreciation Month.
  • Progressive Sanctification Day.
  • Hermeneutics Sunday.
  • Egalitarian vs. Complementarian Understanding Day.
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