Five churches in our neighborhood have developed a good working relationship, and we’re doing some things cooperatively. Two years of doing VBS together. A picnic in the park. Last year, for each Sunday night during Lent, we met in a different church for a soup supper and getting-acquainted. We’re doing that again this year. And last night was Anchor’s turn to host.
Pam and I ate with some folks from Grace Presbyterian. The Grace people are incredibly fun. (I brought two crockpots, one with vegetable beef, and other with minestrone.) After the meal, we all moved to the sanctuary. The worship team did two prelude numbers (the people applauded after each one), and then led the congregation–or pieces of five congregations–in four of our favorite songs (“Not to Us,” “Lord of Everything,” “Everlasting God,” and “Never Let Go”). The sanctuary was packed, and standing up there pounding the keyboard gave me a high.
Pastor Tim took his turn leading a lesson from Phil Yancey’s “The Jesus I Never Knew.” He had us discuss questions with people seated near us on the subject of temptation. I happened to sit with several folks from Trinity United Methodist. In particular, I interacted with a 15-year-old guy from Trinity who feels called into the ministry and is anxious to get started. A real solid young man. I greatly enjoyed talking to him. Excellent spiritual insights.
In June, these five churches are cooperating to host a Walk Thru the Bible seminar. I’m juiced about that.
I’ve attended United Brethren churches all my life. Churches in four states (Indiana, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and California). I’ve never attended a UB church that actively, regularly cooperated with other churches. We don’t like cooperating with other UB churches, let alone non-UB churches. So I’m lovin’ this ecumenical (a bad BAD word to many folks) stuff, being part of the worldwide body of Christ.
You can’t pull this off just anywhere. UB churches aren’t the only suspicious ones. But in our neighborhood, we had five churches with pastors who were open to the idea, and synergy happened. More power to us.
Pastor Tim wrote about last night on his blog.