Book: Appaloosa

appaloosa.jpgI saw a photo somewhere of Ed Harris in an upcoming Western movie called “Appaloosa.” I wondered, “Is that from the book by Robert Parker?” Parker, of the Spencer novels? The Appaloosa which had been setting on my bookshelf for over a year?

So I read it. And it didn’t take me long to realize, this would make a great movie. A realization overwhelmingly confirmed by the end of the book.

We don’t get enough Western movies. The last one worth mentioning was “3:10 to Yuma,” with Russell Crowe and Christian Bale. There was a Brad Pitt movie about Jesse James, but it kinda came and went. But “Appaloosa” should be a good one.

The movie stars Ed Harris and Viggo Mortenson as freelance lawmen whose occupation could best be described as “town tamer.” The bad guy is Jeremy Irons, and the girl is Renee Zellweger. I’m looking forward to a good Western. And a good Western must always be seen, at least first, on a big screen. No waiting for the DVD.

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