An Unlikely Analogy


Many years ago, I listened to a cassette teaching tape by Jill Briscoe. She was talking about empowering the laity. She said pastors and wives too often do things themselves, because they figure they can do it better than any of the available volunteers. But that’s the wrong approach. She said something like this:

“If they can’t do it well, let them do it poorly.”

This principle, believe it or not, actually came to my mind with the sequester. A result of crossed synapses firing simultaneously.

We know we need to cut federal spending. But the White House, the Senate, and the House are afraid to make spending cuts because it might cost them votes. Which, of course, would trigger the Apocalypse.

The sequester took it out of their hands. It’s an irresponsible way to make cuts, but it’s apparently the only ways cuts will get made.

We’re a couple days into the sequester, and we’ve now experienced two record-setting days on Wall Street. So I’m wondering if the principle is:

“If they can’t reduce spending responsibly, let them do it irresponsibly.”

Or, as Larry the Cable Guy would say, “Just git r done.”

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