A Snowy Day at Church

Well, we finally got some snow. This has sure been an easy winter.

The first service was a bit down, because of the snow. Just a cozy 25 people. Tim improvised in a fun way. Our sanctuary has a dozen rows of chairs down the middle, and then three round tables on both sides. People enjoy sitting around the tables. Tim had everyone gather on one side, and we pushed the three tables together.

The worship team was all ready to start into our music package, but it didn’t seem right. We’d be facing straight out at the sanctuary, while everyone was off to the side around the tables. So we just skipped the music. Instead, Tim distributed hymnals (which we squirrel away in a back room) and let people pick out hymns to sing. A real blast from the past. I sat at the grand piano, hoping I would know the hymns. I knew all but one (and I probably knew that one–I just couldn’t get the tune in my head).

People picked hymns like “A Shelter in the Time of Storm,” “Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee,” “Ring the Bells of Heaven,” “Jesus Loves Me,” “Praise Him Praise Him,” and another five or so. First and last verse of each. It was fun.

We shared around the tables, and then Tim gave an abbreviated version of his sermon, sans Powerpoint slides.

It was an enjoyable service. A memorable one. It’s nice to improvise.

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