A Missionary in a Dangerous Place

My church supports three young women, all single, serving as missionaries–one in Vietnam, one in a former Soviet republic, and one soon to be headed to Haiti. All three attended Anchor while pursuing degrees at Taylor University – Fort Wayne.

Today, Sharon told about her work in Asia. She helps run a Christian bookstore in what is a predominantly Islamic nation. They have great trouble just getting Christian literature into the country, constantly dealing with governmental opposition.

Sharon was our first missionary, going back to 1999, I believe. I’ve been very impressed with Sharon. And humbled. This is one brave, committed gal. Because the country in which she serves can be a dangerous place for Christians.

One of Sharon’s coworkers, a man, was threatened with a handgun. Another, a woman, was attacked with a knife in an apartment stairwell. Another worker was beaten up, and the store robbed. The Muslim opposition is very intentional. Sharon lives with the very real threat of violence; people are intentionally targeting her and her coworkers. And yet…there she is. And she’s going back.

My heroes have always been missionaries. Sharon, with her amazing faith and strength of character, is among my heroes.

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