A Truly Christian Voice in the Pundit World

Michael Gerson is one of the few evangelical Christian voices in the Punditsphere. He carries solid credentials as a political conservative–Heritage Foundation policy advisor, speechwriter for Bob Dole and George Bush, among other things–but places the Bible above ideology, whereas most conservative pundits cite the Bible only when it affirms their ideology. I look forward to Gerson’s weekly columns. They can be prophetic, and they remind us evangelicals that we are citizens first of the Kingdom of God, and only secondly of a man-made country.

From this past week’s columns:

“According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, white evangelical Protestants are the least likely group in America to affirm an American responsibility to accept refugees. Evangelicals insist on the centrality and inerrancy of scripture and condemn society for refusing to follow biblical norms — and yet, when it comes to verse after verse requiring care for the stranger, they don’t merely ignore this mandate; they oppose it….It indicates the failure of the Christian church in the moral formation of its members, who remain largely untutored in the most important teachings of their own faith.”

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