A Categorical Post

Everyone’s denying stuff categorically. “I categorically deny….”

I confess: I’m a wordsmith, but I have no idea what that means. What kind of categories are they talking about? How is “I deny it” different from “I categorically deny it”?

I realize I can Google it. Some of you are rushing to do that right now, so you can post a definition in a comment as if you’ve always known what “categorically” means. Don’t do it. I don’t want to know. I am boycotting this useless knowledge. “Categorically” is some kind of elitist, high-falutin, fancy-schmancy, snooty-nosed word that pompous people trot out to sound impressive.

“I deny it.”

“I don’t believe you.”


“Oh, in that case, I believe you.”

That may work with some folks, but not me. Every time I hear the word “categorically”–and we’ll be hearing it many times in the coming days–I will not only roll my eyes, but will categorically roll my eyes.

Peter may have denied that he knew Jesus, but to his credit, he did not “categorically” deny knowing Jesus, because that would have been really bad.

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