God is Good, Let US Thank Him For Our Food

This past Sunday, part of my pastor’s message dealt with prayer. He mentioned (not as a central point) that when people pray at mealtimes, they always pray the same prayer. Isn’t that true! I’m certainly that way. I have a basic Meal Prayer Template, and I don’t stray far from it. Mix up a few words here and there, but basically say the same thing.

What are the ramifications of that? Does it mean we’re praying on automatic pilot? Is a rote, meaningless prayer worse than no prayer at all? Or is prayer never meaningless? I don’t know. Don’t want to make a whole lot out of it. But I did laugh out loud when Tim said we all pray the same prayer over and over.

But I must confess–when I go out for lunch by myself (as I will within the hour), I rarely say a prayer over my meal as I’m sitting there at Wendy’s or Long John’s or Bob Evans. I used to, but somewhere along the line (some years ago), I stopped. I don’t remember why. Maybe it got to be just too automatic, ritualistic, dutiful, or whatever. When Pam and I eat out, we always hold a hand across the table and pray. But I don’t when it’s just me. Does that make me unspiritual? Less committed? Well, whatever the case, I’m not inclined to start again. I feel like I’m “removing the ancient landmarks” that scripture warns against.

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