A retired minister was in my office this morning, and during the conversation, he injected some subtle hints about what he thinks should happen in the church. This same fellow (a minister I respect, by the way) was highly involved in fighting the initiative to combine our denomination into the Missionary Church. He is of my parents’ generation. And he, like many of them (and probably like I will be) has difficulty entrusting his church’s future to the next generation. These good folks (some of them) still use their connections and knowledge of “how things work” to influence the church’s direction, even though they no longer hold leadership positions or are necessarily active in ministry. They are unable to “let things go.”
The cold fact is, today our denomination is firmly in the control of baby boomers. I understand that this is the case with nearly all denominations. Just as the Lord of the Rings ended with the dawn of the “Age of Men,” and the departure of the elves, we are now in the Age of the Baby Boomers. The boomers have been influential for some time now. But today, they pull the strings. They call the shots. They are in charge.
But a question we’re asking is, “Who will be the next generation of leaders?” As we look across the denomination, there are some bright young leaders…but not many. Certainly not as many as there were among the baby boomers at that age. We can look at the young crop of ministers and wonder, “Who will be the bishop in 20 years?” And it’s difficult to guess.
Regardless, we need to be grooming some of these young ministers for eventual (or current) leadership. Because they are our future. So we baby boomers are being pulled from two directions. On the one hand, we have the older generation which doesn’t fully approve of the direction the boomers are taking and still wants to try to control things. Then we have the younger generations who are most certainly out of tune with the older generation–the baby busters and GenXers–but whom we boomers realize need to be developed for–and even pushed into–leadership roles. It’s an interesting dilemma.