Just finished voting. It was the busiest we’ve seen the voting place, though Pam says we normally get there earlier. In that particular place, I’m sure–Aboite–most of the people were voting Republican. Not that it matters. Indiana always goes Republican. It must be nice living in a state that is “in play.” Or maybe not. We’re largely spared all of the political ads, and the really nasty ones don’t show up in Indiana. We have to hear about them on the news.
We do see a few national ads, but I suspect they are more for the benefit of people in Ohio who see the Fort Wayne TV stations. Ohio’s the hot spot this year. I’ll bet things get real nasty later in the day. I’m glad two courts ruled that Republicans couldn’t have people in the polling places, able to challenge the credentials of voters. That wouldn’t be cool. And yet, it sounds like there was some shady stuff in registering Democrats.
There were three referendum items (changes to the state Constitution). I didn’t really read them. I just marked yes. I figured they must be good things. I wonder if anyone took that (admittedly shallow) attitude regarding the three referendum items the United Brethren church voted on during October? Hmmm.