Defacing My $20 Bill

This morning after getting the stitches removed from my gums, I went to Scott’s grocery store to get some donuts and other culinary supplies. I gave the checkout girl a $20 bill, and then watched her pick up a black Sharpie and put a little tick-mark just to the right of Andrew Jackson’s head.

“Why did you make that mark?” I asked her.

She said, “Some of the other Scott’s stores were having trouble with their twenties, so we’re all doing this.”

“Oh,” I said. As if that answered my question, which it most certainly didn’t. But being unduly polite and not wanting to embarrass her, I didn’t question further. I just accepted her answer like a lemming, collected my change, and left to enjoy creamy vanilla filling.

But ever since, I’ve been wondering, “So what kind of a problem can a store have with a $20 bill? And why does defacing the bill with a black mark solve that problem? And why was I too timid to ask this question of vital concern to our national currency?”

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