Last week, as Pam and I set the VCR before heading off to Wednesday prayer meeting, we decided we’d had enough of “Lost.” So we skipped it. I noticed that in last night’s episode, according to TV Guide, Hurley found a car. Yeah, I’m a tad curious. But not curious enough to resume watching. We’re done with “Lost.”
I’ll keep a casual interest in what’s happening, and will want to know how the series ultimately ends. But I suspect that when we discover what this whole island was about, it’ll be intensely unsatisfying, and that the final explanation won’t account for all kinds of things that have happened during the course of the show. Just like X Files.
Besides, I grew real tired of the main characters being couped up in cages through the entire fall. I loved the show for a long time. But my interest in remaining a regular viewer is gone.