Grammar Class: Unnecessary Words

Today, class, we’ll talk about unnecessary words.

If your sentence begins with “Needless to say…”, the whole sentence is apparently unnecessary. Why say it? If the information is NOT needless, then chop off the “needless to say” part.

Consider this sentence:

“I am sending you a check for the total amount of $300.00.”

Depending on how much info is necessary, you could boil it all the way down to, “I’m sending $300.”

The shorter the better…and the clearer.

Consider how to shorten this puffy sentence, which exemplifies what is far too common in the workplace:

“We wish to bring to your attention the fact that the meeting will be held next Thursday.”

You are correct. All you need is, “The meeting will be held next Thursday.”

That’s all for today. Be tight, be clear. Axe the needless.

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