Burning Bridges to NonChristians

Wow, this is a tremendous article by Ed Stetzer. Much for me to take to heart. A few excerpts:

“Statistically, the unchurched lean heavily Democrat. So—and I know it’s just me talking crazy now—if you want to reach the unchurched, maybe constant Facebook/Twitter posts about how stupid Democrats are might be a bad idea….Christians are often unnecessarily burning bridges on the altar of political partisanship.”

“It may be an appropriate missional decision to voluntarily restrict your own freedom to constantly blurt about politics, in order to reach your neighbor who holds a different view.”

“An endless stream of calling people fools or liars–people who your neighbor voted for–just does not make sense for the Christian….The end result is another stumbling block for those we are trying to reach.”

“I want my unchurched neighbors (who are statistically more likely to be Democrat) to know they are welcome in my home and my church, and that I do not hate them or the president for whom they voted.”

“I suggest we tweet thinking more about Jesus and less about politics. That’s just basic Christian prioritization.

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