Now I Can Get Some Sleep

Regrettably, I fell asleep halfway through McCain’s speech last night. When I woke up, he had just finished. Time for balloons. Poor Andrea Mitchell, drowned in balloons. She was trying to come up with something clever, like when John Chancellor said while being carried off by security at the 1964 convention, “This is John Chancellor, somewhere in custody.” Andrea said she was somewhere on the convention floor, and I’m sure she had Chancellor in mind, but she just couldn’t think of something clever.

So, my long bout of sleeplessness will come to an end.

  • Two weeks of Olympics.
  • A week of the Democratic convention.
  • Then the Republican convention.

Now, finally, there’s no reason to stay awake past 10:00.

I guess McCain knew I needed the sleep, so he let me get started early.

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