The Indisputable Redskin Rule

As we all know, everything important in life, including the fate of the world, revolves around the NFL.

Consider the “Redskin Rule.” When the Washington Redskins win their last home game prior to Election Day, the incumbent party wins. When the Redskins lose, the out-of-power party wins. Thus, since the Steelers beat the Redskins in a Monday Night Football game in 2008, Barack Obama won the election.

This has held true for 17 of the past 18 presidential elections–72 years! The only exception was 2004, when George Bush won re-election without a corresponding win by the Redskins.

Why did The Fates allow an exception? Truly a mystery deserving of scrutiny.

And there was scrutiny, resulting in a revision to the Redskin Rule. It’s about the popular vote. When the Redskins lose in their last home game before the presidential election, the party that lost the previous election’s popular vote wins. This would account for Bush’s 2004 victory. Thus: the Redskin Rule is 18 for 18.

Anyway…the Carolina Panthers beat the Redskins yesterday. Which means: Romney will win the election. If you’re the superstitious type.

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