Christian Cannibals

BusinessWeek’s cover story says Wal-Mart isn’t doing so well. They’re still growing, but not nearly like they were in earlier years. One reason: they’ve built so many stores that people are switching from one store to a newer one closer to them. New stores are cannibalizing existing stores.

Kinda like churches, I suppose.

Most church plants start with the intention of reaching the unreached. But too often, they morph into “just another church.” I’ve feared that about my own church. I think we’re reaching a lot of what my pastor calls “dechurched” people–folks with a church background, but who stopped attending for some reason. Are we touching, in any way, the never-churched who live around us? I don’t know. We continue attracting new people, and even this Sunday, I could look out on the congregation and see plenty of people whose stories I didn’t know.

Who is going after the hardcore pagans? The seriously lost non-Christians? I’m not sure I can name you a church in Fort Wayne that is doing that. Not that I’m an expert on Fort Wayne’s churches. But if such a church existed, I think I would probably know about it.

I live in Aboite, the affluent southwest side of Fort Wayne. We have two megachurches in Aboite–Emmanuel and The Chapel. I suspect that whenever a new church starts in Aboite, that they draw at least a few people away from Emmanuel and The Chapel. Every new church needs a core group (I guess?), and you gotta get it from someplace. That’s how Anchor started, with a core group from Emmanuel.

The Aboite churches can grow just from the continual influx of new people moving into the area. Are any growing primarily by reaching non-Christians? I don’t know. The same thing can be asked of Anchor’s community. We’ve developed a good relationship with four other churches in our zip code. Good churches with good people. But are any of us reaching the hard-core lost? Or do too many people in our zip code simply circulate, over the years, between the various churches? Just wondering.

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