Haircuts and the Invisible Man

Whenever the gals at work get a haircut, everyone notices. It gets commented on, evaluated, oohed and aahed. The haircut, no matter how drastic, is given more than ample attention.

The men receive no such treatment. It is a double standard which society has yet to address honestly.

I got a haircut after work tonight. As you can see from the before-and-after self-photos above, there is a significant difference. How can you not notice the drastic change in my appearance? But tomorrow, nobody will mention it. My haircut will go totally unnoticed.

Once again, my feelings will be severely hurt. Yes it hurts, I’m not ashamed to admit. What do I have to do–get a buzz? Color my hair red? Add blue streaks?

I just want to be acknowledged, to have my existence validated. To hear someone say, “Oh, you got a haircut. Looks nice.” Yet tomorrow, I will no doubt spend the day in my office, putting up a brave front but silently crying out for recognition…and receiving none.

It’s not easy being a guy.

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