Out of the Corn Fields

Well, that Iowa Caucus sure thinned things out.

  • Perry is leaving the race. (Oops, no he’s not. Changed his mind.)
  • Bachman is leaving the race.

I imagine Bachman’s followers, scarce though they may be, will jump to Santorum or Gingrich. Considering the up-and-down nature of this race, those followers have probably bounced around to other candidates already.

Then, today, John McCain endorsed Mitt Romney. It’s been 3 years since McCain said “yes” to anything.

Now, on to New Hampshire, where my guy, John Huntsman, has invested all of his eggs. Now that Santorum is having his 15 minutes, that leaves only Huntsman awaiting his time in the sun. But Huntsman, being a moderate, isn’t a legitimate Republican. I imagine Rush considers him a liberal. As he would consider me a liberal.

The Republican party wants nothing to do with us moderates anymore. So be it.

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