Rewarding the Bell-Ringers

This afternoon I went to both the Scott’s and Kroger’s at Village of Coventry. I know, it sounds kind of redundant, since Kroger owns both and Kroger-branded items permeate the Scott’s shelves. But Scott’s didn’t have what I wanted, and Kroger did.

But I’m writing about the Salvation Army bell-ringers. They were great at both places–outgoing, friendly, not overbearing. I usually welcome their presence–not always, but usually. And these guys were good. Especially the one at Kroger.

I gave a buck at Scott’s, even though I left the store without buying anything. And gave another buck at Kroger.

Many years ago, I read something by Jill Briscoe, back when she traveled regularly as a Christian speaker. She said no matter what the offering was, she gave at least a dollar. If the offering plate was passed, for whatever reason, she found at least one dollar to give. I’ve tried to copy that principle. It doesn’t have to be a dollar, but something.

So every time I pass a Salvation Army bucket, I give. Whenever the fireman are out on the road with their boots, collecting for Jerry, I grab a handful of change and toss it in. When someone’s out there personally collecting, I try to help. As opposed to getting that phone call from the Police Benevolence Association, or whatever it is; I never give over the phone, unless it’s Huntington University.

We shouldn’t be too attached to our money. That’s the principle.

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