Using Your Vote as a Prank

Rush Limbaugh is far from my favorite person. He’s just a loud-mouth, totally partisan, highly divisive show-boater. The world would be a better place without him. And he obviously has little respect for American democracy. He encourages Republicans to play games with the process by crossing over and voting for Hillary, just to keep the Democratic primary going. It probably cost Obama the Indiana primary.

Why does Rush have so little respect for the right to vote? Why does he encourage people to use their vote as a prank? I view the vote as a great privilege? Isn’t that what we preach around the world? People die for the sake of their vote, for goodness sakes!

Rush thinks it’s a big hoot. I can’t imagine playing childish games with my vote. And yet, untold mindless hordes worship Rush’s utterings, and actually voted against their true conscience. Is this what we want to teach the world, and our own children, about democracy?

How did Americans become so flippant about their vote?

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